
Howdy there, I'm trying to establish my presence on the internet, I would love to read your story out loud in a video format,  like an audio book.
          My aim with this is that I get to publish a video, doing something I enjoy, reading, and you hopefully get exposure and more people reading your stuff.
          I completely understand if you don't want that.
          But let me know if you do, hope to hear from you :]
          Contacts ⬇️
          Discord: Anosheep
          Instagram: Anosheep_
          Or just my profile on here.
          Hope you are doing well (〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜


I think your stories are fascinating, and the point of my offer is so that more people could see them.
            You have my contacts if you want to try it out, and I think your stories are very catchy <⁠(⁠ ̄⁠︶⁠ ̄⁠)⁠>


@Anosheep Hello ! I like your idea, this is my first time using this platform though my stories are not that catchy, but I wanted to share something here that some people might get interested with