
I'm working on a cover for my new story, so don't mind it right now. It's a bit hard to edit it because I used Ibis Paint for editing (the free version)


@getmealifeigotnone Oh and a chapter should be released eventually, I need to recheck it because I have some grammar errors. It's also a bit cringe and I wanna find a way to make it a bit less cringe.


@getmealifeigotnone P.s. It's Fighting Forces Falter! You'll find the story!


I'm working on a cover for my new story, so don't mind it right now. It's a bit hard to edit it because I used Ibis Paint for editing (the free version)


@getmealifeigotnone Oh and a chapter should be released eventually, I need to recheck it because I have some grammar errors. It's also a bit cringe and I wanna find a way to make it a bit less cringe.


@getmealifeigotnone P.s. It's Fighting Forces Falter! You'll find the story!


I have been trying SO HARD not to cry all day. This guy in my class (who I do admit is a bit of an assh-le, but I do think he doesn't mean to) just told me he cared about me (He knows I almost like only girls except a bit of romantic feelings for a bit of guys which is rare, so I don't think it's anything like crush-related). How can my parents not say these things but a guy who I believe to be my enemy says this sh-t? My day is so much better now, and it's not so terrible for the first time in a while. I especially needed this considering how much worse it's been getting for me to keep going, I am just so grateful.


AND LMAO of course he f-tshamed me... never let your guard down.


Been pretty lonely and bored lately, so to distract me, I'm gonna go back to writing! I don't have much hope, but I've recently found the motivation as I have found a new idea for a new story!
           It's started slightly, but I have a lot to plan! Characters, story settings, tropes, etc. Some of it is accounted for, but I have some work to do! I'll update whenever I believe I'll be posting the first chapter, and I'll hopefully also get to finding new ideas for my already posted stories!
          Love you moots<333


I wanna write a long letter to some friends... should I put it on a large paper and fold it into an envelope, or take a birthday card and hope it's enough space? I'm not sure the letter will fit on the card, but I'd need to buy the paper.


this message may be offensive
@getmealifeigotnone if it's a "I'm going through something" or some shit, then  large paper will do. But if it's a "happy birthday" then obviously the birthday card


@getmealifeigotnone depends on what you're going to write on it


I've been set back for a while honestly, I'm very sorry. I keep trying to get back, but I realize I've lost so much motivation to write.
          I've lost it since over a year ago, and I keep trying to force it, but it's not just gonna work like that. I've lost interest in basically everything, so I don't know if I'll get it back. 
          I do love writing, or I did, it was something I was super passionate about, but I just suddenly stopped being able to care about anything, have passion for anything.
          Forgive me, I don't mean to, but I really can't force myself. I'll try and respark my interest for it, but it's basically long gone.


@getmealifeigotnone I'm a month late to this T-T  You don't need to force something, whether it's important or not. I'm not saying the motivation will come back, but it takes a long time for something like that to come back! Don't force  or put too much pressure on yourself, you got this!!+


I'm sure many of you are aware about Seunghan leaving RIIZE. In return, we are boycotting SM for not protecting its artist. I will place a linktree link in the description of my profile, and I beg you, please participate. We must keep on boycotting and keep being loud on social media to bring justice to not only Seunghan, but all SM artists who have also been harassed or stalked because their company is unable to take action. So far, it has spread a bit outside of K-POP, so please, talk about this and make this spread further until SM must take action!


thank you so much for this. we need to spread awareness of idol mistreatment and cyber bullying and im glad everyone is getting in on this


Oops- made a mistake. I meant not protecting its artists* (didn't put it in plural)


Honestly, I'm having a hard time trying to make an update to any of my stories, I have no time for it thanks to school and the pressure from my parents is getting even more burdening. I don't know when I'll update, and I'm not sure I might even update. I am not even sure if I'll be alive to make any updates. I'm really sorry


@getmealifeigotnone don't put pressure on yourself, take care of your health! You're doing great!!! <3 ♡♡♡♡♡♡


Guys, I don't normally talk about this, but Marcellus Williams is scheduled to be executed in an hour and 45 minutes, and I urge you to spread the word. Please visit the link I'll put in my bio in a few seconds.


@Seungminsbickdick This was in the U.S., but he is unfortunately gone. The prosecution office stopped picking up calls and didn't back out of the decision, and he was executed. May he rest in peace/Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raaji'uun