
Hey! If you're gay, or homosexual or you just love yourself some lgbtq+ stories. I STAN YOU. Also.... For The Love of a Demon is an lgbtq+ book. Just sayin' it goes beyond girl to girl relationships. It also touches on some topic regarding problems and mental health. Just a little self promo, Uwu. Ahahaha. Love ya'll


Hey! If you're gay, or homosexual or you just love yourself some lgbtq+ stories. I STAN YOU. Also.... For The Love of a Demon is an lgbtq+ book. Just sayin' it goes beyond girl to girl relationships. It also touches on some topic regarding problems and mental health. Just a little self promo, Uwu. Ahahaha. Love ya'll


Seriously tho, Tinkerbell?


            Alright. Now Imma go read your book.


            I know he does, but you could use a better aesthetic. ;)


this message may be offensive
or here... whatever. Ok so my question is... (sorry if I asked you late, I was reading your books eh, I'll vote) 
          1. Why are we the chosen people to live this miserable life? 
          2. Why am I ugly? 
          3. Why do you keep on PULLING YOURSELF DOWN? (how dare me, that's what I do every single fvckin' day) 
          4. Why do I miss you? (CHEESY!!!✌ SRSLY DOE, I FOOKING MISS MESSING WITH YAH!) 
          5. Why do we ship gay shit? I mean I ship Jelix, you ship Larry, right? 
          6. I'm broke, can you help me? jk, that's all, k bye