Hello! I have been away for some time. In the meantime I turned 19 last week, started my first year of college, So far it's so-so, I have teachers that are stricts, some that aren't and some that are really really friendly. But I know I pushed this to a later time but I otta be honest with you..or whoever is reading. I have lost ideas, inspiration, my motivation and any passion I had for the Baekhyun fanfic I was writing on here. I know some of you may hate me but as a writer, you will also go through this type of situation - losing interest for the project you once loved dearly. I don't know if aia would even continue the fanfic... however in the meantime I moved to my second account and have some ideas for more books/fanfics. For now I don't have any certain informations but I am working on multiple projects at once, writing with the flow and planning as I go. I do want to continue the fanfic I started with Bakugou but that will also take some time. I might even move it to second account and start fresh with it...I don't know. And I apologize for everything especially gigivng you guys hope and making you wait for an update.