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here's a mental health update by the way for ghost:
I'm pretty sure I'm bipolar due to having many of the symptoms so that's a start. I'm diagnosed with depression, anxiety and ADHD but I pretty sure I'm also autistic and bipolar (like i said before) I get really bad mood swings so often that I wonder why my boyfriend is still with me (he's been with me for 4 months) and my sh problems haven't gotten better I've relapsed so many times, I wanna die most of the time and I've actually thought through how I'd do it. for my eating problems which I don't know whether to call it an ED or not has gotten worse to where if I'm at an event where I have the choice to eat or not I just don't and most of the time I have one meal per day because I hate being fucking fat, I hate my stomach and I hate myself so fucking much. I'm a terrible person and an asshole. I don't know why the little amount of friends I have are still my friends. on the bright side though I'm hyperfixated on the outsiders again (way more extreme tho) so it's a nice escape from this shitty place called life. also my sh has gotten so bad that now I'm doing it on both arms and deeper with scissors which is so much worse than when I started. I don't know why I'm even talking about my "problems" mine aren't even that bad my friends have all the real important shit going on, I'm too fucking scared to sh with a razor cause it hurts too bad. maybe people are right and I just do all of this for attention. I wonder when I'm actually going to go through with killing myself. maybe tomorrow or maybe right after my 16th birthday on April 17th. who knows? maybe I'll just go to bed and not wake up the next day. maybe I'll die and go to hell like everyone tells me to then people will like me. people don't like me or notice me now, maybe they'd like me better when I'm fucking dead.