
Alright Everyone so here’s the thing, I would never make fun of anyone due to their sex, race, religion, or orientation. I love everyone here equally, now that chat in my comments with the person and my best friend (who is the Koopalings acc btw), that wasn’t me making fun of her, it was me defending her from a homophobe who claimed for me to be a whole map. But I don’t support Pedophilia, Zoophilia, Homophobia, Transphobia, Xenophobia or Racism or any way. Everyone here is equal to me. If anyone comes to my comments and starts being Homophobic, Transphobic, Xenophobic, or Racist, I will call that bs out real quick and report it. Doesn’t matter what you are, don’t come up with any hate on my comments, please.


Alright Everyone so here’s the thing, I would never make fun of anyone due to their sex, race, religion, or orientation. I love everyone here equally, now that chat in my comments with the person and my best friend (who is the Koopalings acc btw), that wasn’t me making fun of her, it was me defending her from a homophobe who claimed for me to be a whole map. But I don’t support Pedophilia, Zoophilia, Homophobia, Transphobia, Xenophobia or Racism or any way. Everyone here is equal to me. If anyone comes to my comments and starts being Homophobic, Transphobic, Xenophobic, or Racist, I will call that bs out real quick and report it. Doesn’t matter what you are, don’t come up with any hate on my comments, please.


Alright guys, so quick thing, as I said before if you don’t like my work, you don’t have to open it, but please don’t make a different account harassing me or other people, if you don’t like something, don’t open it or make one yourself, harassing and trolling isn’t right you now?


Also I am making a new story, hopefully it’s not as rushed and cringey as my other stories, this one specific story is taking Different lead, more of a specific story and simply interesting, if you guys have comments or suggestions you can all message me. The story is called Reach for the Stars, it’ll be a unique book. Or Bizarre. But my other books and Ask the Koopalings will still be worked on, I just need to check my time since we all know we have rl stuff to do.


Alright guys so here’s the thing, as some of you know I was attacked by an ignorant person yesterday and went as far as saying ignorant rants, but I’m okay, it just wanted me to inspire more to start writing again and to improve. I think I want my story to take a different turn. Where y’all would suggest a chapter for each book, expect for those with my ocs.