
I finally found the manuscript for chapter eight, expect an update in 30-45 minutes!


Thanks for 100 followers everyone, but simultaneously 200 reads on they. I'm working on the new chapter right now, thank you so much to everyone that's supported me! To celebrate, I'll be changing up my wattpad profile, so if you come back and it looks different, that's why ^^. Happy reading!


Wooooow, as I'm reading They again, I'm realizing what a mess it is- I want to say I'll update with some MAJOR changes by tomorrow- the actual story will not change, but if you feel like you must re-read it then go ahead- but I think I'm overestimating myself. I've also changed writing styles since last year, and I think the story in general is just sliiiightly cringey and too fast-paced (even though I can't exactly explain things the way I want to because you're supposed to imagine them for yourself, hence why it moves along quickly). As my first work, it's not going to be my best, but I'd like to make it as good as possible before moving onto more fanfiction and stories I have planned (not to mention it's a grammatical atrocity lol). Expect a new chapter and some changes soon, and thank you for reading They!


Rest in peace, Carrie Fisher. I've seen you in the star wars movies and looked up to you ever since I was young, and you are so much more than just an actress; you're a remarkable and strong woman and will continue to be remembered as such.


Don't quote me on this, but because I want to move on to other works (cough hetalia fanfic cough) and I haven't been updating on time recently, next week I'm going to post ALL SEVEN DAYS. That's right, Sunday-Saturday if I can, times may vary, but no later than 8.45. I hope to either finish the book within that week or be almost done with it. Then the Thursday after, I will post another story ideas book that you all can vote for your favourite story.
          Thanks to all who have been reading They!


@APH_Portugal yyyyup I failed ~_~; 


Did I say Sunday - Saturday? I meant Monday- Sunday, heh 'OvO;