
*   watching  the  superbowl.   girl ,,  cb ,, 


/  everywhere,,  yeah,,


this message may be offensive
          	  //Overall on Robbie (I don't watch football, but hope shit gets better)


*    my  team  acting  like  this  in  front  of  god  and  taylor  swift.   have  you  no  dignity.


*   watching  the  superbowl.   girl ,,  cb ,, 


/  everywhere,,  yeah,,


this message may be offensive
            //Overall on Robbie (I don't watch football, but hope shit gets better)


*    my  team  acting  like  this  in  front  of  god  and  taylor  swift.   have  you  no  dignity.


hey,  i  survived,  didn’t  i?


WAKE  WITH  YOUR  MEMORY,   @drophone :
            but  what  if  you  didn't ?    {  the  way  ellie's  lip  wobbles  is  undeniable  no  matter  how  hard  she  tries  to  fight  it,   moving  closer  to  her  sister  like  the  confirmation  of  her  being  (alive),   warm  and  breathing  and  still  here,   not  a  bloody  pool  of  a  shell  on  a  dusty  auditorium  floor.  }    what  if —   what  if  that  was  it,   the  last  time  i  saw  you,   and —  and  what  if  you  didn't  wake  up ?   what  if  i  lost  you ?    if  i  didn't  get  up  from  quinn,   or  if  i —  if  i  let  you  die  there ?  


i  think  i  should  leave  the  fashion  thing  to  you.


WAKE  WITH  YOUR  MEMORY,  @drophone :
            don't  say  that !   you're  doing  great,   fifi.    {  better  than  great,   in  ellie-marie's  entirely  unbiased  opinion.    with  a  pop  to  her  toes  she  takes  another  photo,   not  moving  the  camera  from  her  face  before  she's  speaking  again.  }   you  look  like  a  princess.   if  i  didn't  know  better,   i'd  think  this  was  a  fashion  shoot  in  the  mall —   y'know,   like  in  the  shows ! 


i’m  not  as  funny  as  i  seem.  


WAKE  WITH  YOUR  MEMORY,  @drophone :
            or  maaaaaybe  you're  really  down  on  yourself.    {  it  isn't  a  case  of  'maybe',   but  ellie  knows  better  than  to  point  the  obvious  out  when  buffy  is  so  clearly  in  her  head  again.   rather  than  taking  a  jab  ellie  offers  her  hand,   her  smile  small  as  she  tries  to  reassure  her  sister.  }    i  know  it  doesn't  seem  like  it,   but  you're  (everything).   not  just  funny —  even  though  i  know  you're  hilarious.   it  isn't  your  job  to  be  the  next  taylor  thompson,   y'know ?   you  don't  owe  that  to  anyone    


‘m  not  very  good  with  girl  advice,  sweetheart.  didn’t  even  know  what  i  was  doin’  when  i  had  one!


WAKE  WITH  YOUR  MEMORY,  @wreckdid :
            you  knew  enough !!   {  with  the  true  desperation  of  puppy  eyes  ellie-marie  pouts,   making  the  last  ditch  effort  of  shoving  every  ounce  of  cuteness  into  the  pleading  look  she  gives  him  now.  }    please ?   i  need  your  help.   none  of  my  friends  even  like  girls !   ( .. )   except  for  mindy,   but  when  i  tried  asking  her,   she  started  talking  about  queer  rom-coms.   pretty  sure  we're  in  the  same  boat  of  clueless.


y’got  enough  eyeliner,  or  should  we  get  more?  


WAKE  WITH  YOUR  MEMORY,  @wreckdid :
            i  think  i  might  have  enough.   {  yet  another  shift  through  her  bag  confirms  that  ellie-marie  is  wrong  in  her  judgment,   expression  tugging  into  that  of  an  apologetic  grimace  once  she  realizes  this  is  her  last  tube.  }   or  i  might  have  come  unprepared.   but  it'll  be  fine !!   i  don't  wanna  drag  you  into  town  for  eyeliner.


oh,  that  was  me  and  your  mom  forever  ago.  firs’  time  i  got  on  the  news  for  somethin’  other  than  woodsboro.  :D


MISS  THE  SMOKE,   @wreckdid :
            you  got  on  the  news  for  dating  her ?    {  jeez,   she  knew  her  mom  was  big,   but  she  didn't  think  she  was  (that)  big.   the  look  she  dons  is  unintentionally  reminiscent  of  an  expression  donned  by  another  blonde  long  ago,   brows  arched  as  she  turns  her  head  over  her  shoulder.  }   that's  crazy !   that's  like,   celebrity  levels  of  popularity.   no  wonder  everyone  liked  you  guys  together.   


look,  your  mom  is  my  best  friend…  but  even  we  don’t  get  along.  


WAKE  WITH  YOUR  MEMORY,  @inexiled :
            my  mom  is  a  complicated  person.    {  that's  what  daddy  says,   anyway.   ellie-marie  can't  help  but  agree;  she  loves  her  mother  with  the  entirety  of  her  being,   but  understanding  her  is  a  separate  story  that  doesn't  come  easily.  }    sometimes  i  think  daddy  is  the  only  one  who  gets  her,   y'know?   and  everyone  else  is  on  the  other  side  of  a  wall.


i’ll  answer  whatever  questions  you’ve  got.  


WAKE  WITH  YOUR  MEMORY,  @tornworlds :
            i  don't  like  prying.    {  the  depth  of  this  runs  far  beyond  the  reply  ellie  provides,   winding  her  fingers  into  the  fabric  of  her  sweater.   on  an  emotional  scale,   she  knows  she  shouldn't  ask  about  rebekah.   it's  a  wound  that  will  never  close,  much  like  anika,  and  yet...  }   i  just ..  wanna  know  what  she  was  like.   rebekah.   ( .. )    buffy  practically  idolizes  her,   you  know.