
Hey, I'm still alive.
          	I'm just getting back into writing, it's not going very smoothly yet but I'm getting there. I've already finished the first chapter of a new story and I'm currently planning out the rest of the story, it'll probably be a while before I publish the story but maybe I'll put the introduction online in the next few days so you can get an impression of it.
          	I just thought I'd give you a sign of life after all these months.


Will you be continuing old friends dont really wanna start book that isnt gonna get finished


@MikeMeade man that sucks it looked really good ill give it a read anyway


@MikeMeade Unfortunately not. I've started working on a remake but I don't know when and if it will happen. The story in its current version will most likely not be continued.


Hey, I'm still alive.
          I'm just getting back into writing, it's not going very smoothly yet but I'm getting there. I've already finished the first chapter of a new story and I'm currently planning out the rest of the story, it'll probably be a while before I publish the story but maybe I'll put the introduction online in the next few days so you can get an impression of it.
          I just thought I'd give you a sign of life after all these months.


The longer I spend writing "Old Friends", the more I think about whether it can go on like this. I started writing without a plan or a goal in mind and that makes it really hard for me now to bring the story to a satisfying end.
          I am wondering if it would be a good idea to concentrate on a new story and work on a rewrite of "Old Friends" on the side. To reboot the story one day, only this time with better writing and an actual plan.


@ghostgravity well that's really up to you there's really no need to be ashamed to drop this story since many creators tend to do that but if you're planning on rewriting or continue think how you want the story to go and how you want it to end once you've got that in mind think about what'll go in between that will there be consequences or will each choice they make will lead to a dangerous action


Oh man, I really shouldn't have stopped writing for so long... I've just realized that i wrote for the wrong characters in the second half of the new chapter. the gigantic mistake has hopefully now been corrected.


@ghostgravity Don't worry bro, we'll wait for you as long as you need. You do not have to worry. :D


Hello everyone, yes I am still alive. In the last few weeks I started to miss writing more and more and have more than half of the new chapter of old friends finished. Give me a few days to finish it and then I'll get it out after that, I'll see where it goes from there.


@ghostgravity Don't worry bro take your time :D


Hello very quick update, I have managed to write a little something so let's see where it goes.
          But more importantly, exactly one year ago today I published the first chapters of old friends, so happy birthday... to me. No seriously I can't believe it's really been a year already, time really does go by too fast.