I'm working on the slots for NIGHT ON FIRE as quickly as possible, but work comes first! In the meantime, please consider applying to AFTERLIFE or OCEANBORNE. Or any other applyfics I have mentioned on my mb!
This one college keeps calling me and emailing no matter how many times I block them. I graduated HS in May and stopped applying for college. LEAVE ME ALONE PLEASE.
I am scheduled for alot of hours the next few days, so I won't really be available unless it is morning. I'll still try to be a bit active between my breaks or when I am not sleeping!
Apply to Oceanborne or Afterlife! :))
Please consider applying to OCEANBORNE or AFTERLIFE!
I would really like to be able to write out those stories, with the added characters from the minds of others. They're a bit different from other applyfics, but not that different I swear. Please apply.