
/  cb for something while i do hw and fix this up


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oh ,    but you must still help them find the shoes ! or they’ll never know where to look. it’s terribly hard to find something when you don’t believe in the very thing.


@quibblrs     ⋆    luna-love,   do you not believe in shoes?   [   with a sigh,   her hands went to her hips eyeing the other with a sort of fondness.   victoria had always enjoyed her company though many found it strange.   she found it quite refreshing   ]   hm,   isn’t it this the fifth time this week?   do they have feet of their own?


/   vic’s gonna be a brat the first four and a half years bc that’s just how she was raised and that’s fun for me,,  but after the events of gof and ootp,  her personality gets a huge 180 and its def heartbreaking bc she becomes sososo unrecognizable


leave me out of it.


that is quite embarrassing.  [ giving the man a once over,  he was…  so plainly average and seriously needed to pluck his overgrown eyebrows.  her attention turned back to victoria,  the aforementioned dislike showed in her eyes. ]  i’ll distract him.  care to inform me what you’ll be doing while i do so?


@evermoregrown     ⋆   i suppose that’s fair…   well,   he not only led me on,   which is embarrassing,   but turns out he’s been quite the bully towards my sisters and has said some nasty things about me and them to his little mates   [   as she spoke,   her hand instinctively went to her wand which was situated in her pocket,   a vicious and plastic smile pulling at her lips.  if looks could kill   —   ]    although i don’t give two shites about what he said about me,   and my sisters can be twits,   i don’t necessarily enjoy the comments from someone who can’t even do basic charms so   —   if you don’t mind being my little partner in not-crime just this once…


the way you were talking about it made it sound like you were going to make me an accomplice to murder.  [ humming,  she leans her head against her hand.  sneaking a look over at the male she spoke about.  her interest was peaked. ]   and why can’t you expand on it?  if i’m going to be doing you this little favor of distracting him i should at least know why.  


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i’m not saying shit,    YOU CANT MAKE ME 


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@jamaispur     ⋆    YOU’RE MAKING IT A BIG DEAL BY NOT TELLING ME!   [  when she realized she had raised her voice a little,   she gave herself a moment.   awkwardly smiling,   she fixed her throat and began rocking on her feet   ]   oh /c’mooon/!   i won’t blab or anything!   i cross my heart and hope to fucking die right on this spot!


@serpentias       how dare you use veritaserum against me    [ hand to her chest, she sighed dramatically ]     merlin,    it’s not even a big deal!    you can live without knowing just perfectly fine 


@jamaispur     ⋆    you know what sounds really good right now?   veritaserum.   and i really think i could make it in a flash unless YOU TELL ME WHAT THE BLOODY HELL IS GOING ON!