
Ok, I am REwriting No Medal For Honor, there isn’t a lot of detail and it’s not very long. Those need to change, most of this rewrite won’t change the story but will add. I hope you all enjoy!


hello. how are you?
          I'm requesting view for view :))
          could you please do that?
          in order to make our poetry more visible. 


I liked a lot of the poems, I shared some on Twitter, I hope it brings you more followers, 


I will tweet your links in the #writingcommunity


Also I’m good thank you, I hope you’re well


Thank you for the follow! I followed back :)


I’ve almost finished reading inside the minds of hurting people 


Thank you!  I can’t wait to read your creations and see what you think of mine XD


Ive been away a long time, a lot going on, but i want to get back to work so heres whats coming hopefully,  
          new chapters for no medal for honor II 
          , ive had a lot of fun writing this series and challenging myself, this series means alot to me because the charectors in this series represent my pack in real life, and though some members have seemed to fade away, i hope they can be immortalized in this series, I'll never forget yall. 
          A new childrens book
          After I finished button the turtle for my brother i really fealt overjoyed and wanted to do many more , unfortunately ive been so caught up with everything i haven't worked on books at all, but hopefully in the future i will have a whole line of childrens books to somewhat help guide him in this crazy world.
          A new book THE WORLD GUARDIAN 
          This book is a reference to a game ive played over 15 years, this game is called runescape and its been such a blast, every day is a new adventure,  you are the world guardian chosen by guthix, destined to defeat the evil sliske, but thats the endgame, and this game is practically never ending, even after you technically "beat the game" thats when the game truely begins, the runescape community is one of the most peaceful communities ive ever been in, and I can't wait for the years to come, this game and this book take place in mediavil so if you like dragons swords wizards and or just the mediavil world in general,  you might look at this one, 
          i dont know how much time i can put into these projects,  as i am also working on 3 new albums and a musical, so if you would like to follow that I can keep you updated here

          Also any questions or comments i will be happy to answer so dont hesitate to ask! 
          I thank you all who have followed and supported me and i look forward to hopefully releasing something you will truely enjoy.
          Much love from your insane writer -ghost the catalyst


I am working on No Medal For Honor II again, but I am also starting a new book so progress will be split between the two. Hope you all enjoy! I won't say anything about the new book until it's ready to release, I need a few more chapters at least before that happens, but I'm back to putting in work daily so HOPEFULLY it won't be too long before I can release it. Much love <3


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ATTENTION EVERY ONE IN THE WORLD!!! TODAY!!! AS IN 11/2 !!!! FREE TACOS AT TACO BELL!!!! THIS IS OUR MOMENT!!! WHAT WE'VE TRAINED FOR !!!! DO !! NOT!!! FUCK IT UP!!! I REPEAT!!!!! FREE!!!!! TACOS❤ !!!!!!! AT TACO BELL!!!! THATS TACO BELL!!!! NOT TICO!!!! 11/2 !!!! FREE TACOS!!!!! thank you, that is all ❤ love yall.