
@allythegreat2001 (read this in your head with a calm voice) It doesn't matter whether you are using some or all. Copying is copying no matter how small or large the amount is. In the summary, you clearly state that you have been wanting to write this Harry Potter fanfiction for a while. That implies that you are the original author. If you stated your plans or even asked the author on quotev if you could use and credit her then I wouldn't be here. Keep in mind that behind every computer screen is a person with feelings. The author on quotev sounded frantic in the beginning of the A/N she wrote to inform readers of what was happening, but later asks kindly that you stop. She clearly states that she doesn't like how you are getting credit for a story she wrote, with you changing minor details. 


@allythegreat2001 (read this in your head with a calm voice) It doesn't matter whether you are using some or all. Copying is copying no matter how small or large the amount is. In the summary, you clearly state that you have been wanting to write this Harry Potter fanfiction for a while. That implies that you are the original author. If you stated your plans or even asked the author on quotev if you could use and credit her then I wouldn't be here. Keep in mind that behind every computer screen is a person with feelings. The author on quotev sounded frantic in the beginning of the A/N she wrote to inform readers of what was happening, but later asks kindly that you stop. She clearly states that she doesn't like how you are getting credit for a story she wrote, with you changing minor details.