
this message may be offensive
I know I said I would written but I’m sick and feel like shit so until I feel better, no writing 


hii! i really love the story u made the “The secrets we wanna keep”, im always reading it every night and after im just imagining myself in those situations with bruce :D, im still on chapter 11 but cannot wait to read the gala moments of y/n and bruce! and i just wanna ask if are u planning to continue the story? c:


I will sadly not be continuing the story. 


I’m out of town, so I won’t post the rocket pt. 3 raccoon oneshot until after. 
          As for Spiderverse, keep giving requests! I’m putting your ideas in a doc. I will respond here and there to asks questions and what not. 
          Thank you all! Have a wonderful day/evening/night!! <3


Alright published a Spiderverse oneshot thing. Just request cause I ain’t starting that until I posted part 3 of the Rocket Raccoon oneshot and back from my trip! 
          So request one that thing while im gone!! Cause Spiderverse will most definitely be investing my brain like a parasite like it has for years.


Also, another thing. I might do a Spiderverse oneshot sense I am going to rewatch Spiderverse on Wednesday and then watch the second Spiderverse a day before it’s release  so it’s gonna be investing my brain like a parasite lol
          With that being said, tell me which characters you want to see in the oneshot and ideas you have! The Spiderverse oneshot I will write NSFW/Smut (depending on the character) SO REQUEST AWAY