
Assalamualaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh :)
          	Hi, all my wattpad friends!
          	*Do I look awkward? :D
          	Okay. I want you all to watch my YouTube channel and watch the videos, of course.
          	I will be very happy if you all are willing to comment and subscribe too.
          	Some of my videos I made use of English subtitles. 
          	The first video, I was talking in English.
          	There I uploaded the beauty of my country, some tutorials for making slime, gacha life, and playing games. I hope you all like it.
          	I wait for you there!


Assalamualaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh :)
          Hi, all my wattpad friends!
          *Do I look awkward? :D
          Okay. I want you all to watch my YouTube channel and watch the videos, of course.
          I will be very happy if you all are willing to comment and subscribe too.
          Some of my videos I made use of English subtitles. 
          The first video, I was talking in English.
          There I uploaded the beauty of my country, some tutorials for making slime, gacha life, and playing games. I hope you all like it.

          I wait for you there!


Hi P!!


@KweenKlara the link isn't working


@KweenKlara Thank you so much!!


Assalamualaykum. Teman-teman, maaf sebelumnya, karena telah mengganti username. Aku blues_eye, jika kalian nantinya akan pangling. Ku ganti menjadi ghutte0kipan karena beberapa alasan.
          Pokoknya jika kalian ingin men-tagku atau memanggilku, gunakan ghutte0kipan ya! Terima kasih.
          [Assalamualaykum. Hi guys! I'm so sorry, for changing my username. I'm blues_eye, if you will be overlook later. I change to ghutte0kipan for several reasons.
          Anyway if you want to tag me or mention me, just use ghutte0kipan! Thank you so much] :)


From ceariacypret, if you ask me.
          and it feels like "She so true." so I share.
          Whoever is reading this, I just wanted to remind you to make sure you vote, comment and share the books that you read, I have seen a lot of writers feel unappreciated and horrible about them selfs because they get reads on their stories but most of the reader's don't vote or comments...
          Like I guess I get people not commenting on some level, like some people are shy and don't know what to say but like you can at least vote, it shows that you appreciate the writers hard work, and I think some readers forget to remember that all of these amazing books were made by someone who most likely spent days, months, and sometimes even a couple years being stressed over the story that their happily reading but are showing absolutely no appreciation for....
           Like just a vote can make some writers whole day, that's why I always try to vote on every single chapter of the books I read, and when I use up all my votes for that day (cause that happens sometimes lol), I always make sure to comment that I wish I could vote but I used all my votes for the day, that way they know I appreciate their hard work...


@AyeshaArshad587 But thank you! (^o^)/


@AyeshaArshad587 Honestly, I like emoji so much...!!!! :D :D


@ghutte0kipan :) ;) I like the emoji you made 


Filosofi blues eye apa sih bisa gitu ya wkwk


@budbach Oke sip. UTS kelar ya! Haha.


@budbach Jadi gimana maksudnya? xD


Lagi uts jadi agak dibagi waktu hahah


Assalamualaykum, Wattpaders! *cie ketagihan pakai sapaan itu! xD
          Mau tanya dong.
          Labirin Abu-Abu udah rilis 45 chapter, kalian saksi gimana Flora menjalani hari-hari. Aku buka kotak surat untuk pembaca yang setia ngikutin Flora sama Kamga di Labirin Abu-Abu.
          Ada nggak sih, adegan yang kalian rasa kurang cocok (atau lepas logika gitu)?
          atau adegan yang bikin kalian kecewa? :(
          Bakalan seneng kalau kalian mau diskusi! :)


@ayuning_dian Makasih banyak, Zee!!
            You help me a lot!! <3


Efektif kalau chapter nya nggak banyak. Tapi, buat belajar oke juga, sih. Sembari inget-inget. Hanya saja, kebanyakan yang baca nggak mau repot (termasuk aku, hiyyaaaa) 
            Kemarin ada salah satu teman yang mengganti per bab-nya dengan judul sesuai topik per bab. Jadinya menarik aja. Per judul ia jadiin kata yang bikin penasaran pembaca baru. Itu termasuk strategi juga. Hihi. Tapi, ada juga yang tetap menggunakan Romawi, cuma selama ini aku nemuinnya cuma pada kamu dan satu lagi cerita hisfic. 


@ ghutte0kipan  menurutku merepotkan, ya. Hehe, gomen-gomen. Soalnya aku hapalnya sampai Romawi kesepuluh aja. Wkwkwk. Bisa diganti angka atau judul yang sesuai. 
            Semoga berkenan. (^^)


Hi, Wattpaders! *begitu ya biasanya sapaan disini? :D
          Kali ini aku muncul dan nggak ngomongin cerita :(
          Tapi, tetap nantikan kelanjutan cerita "Labirin Abu-Abu", ya!
          Aku mau promo youtube :D
          Teman-teman disini nonton videoku juga, ya! Jangan lupa subscribe :)
          Ini linknya:
          Sampai ketemu di youtube!
          Hi, Wattpaders! *Is that how it usually says here? :D
          This time I appeared and didn't talk about the story.
          Well, I want to promote my youtube account. Don't forget to subscribe, ya!
          Here is the link:
          My video is complete with English, so you can comment or give feedback too :)
          See you on youtube!


@blues_eye Never mention Buddy! :) ♡


@AyeshArshad587 Ah, thank you so much!! ({})


@blues_eye Surely I would .... :)