
Hello, everyone.  Things have been really frantic this past week, and as a result, I wasn't able to finish my "Round of 15" contest piece before the deadline and had to withdraw.  I'll still be posting it here as soon as I finish, and I now have the time to make it the best it can be.  Stay tuned for "Vincente and Firuzeh," an tale of altered history, the Age of Exploration, and star-crossed love.


Hello, everyone.  Things have been really frantic this past week, and as a result, I wasn't able to finish my "Round of 15" contest piece before the deadline and had to withdraw.  I'll still be posting it here as soon as I finish, and I now have the time to make it the best it can be.  Stay tuned for "Vincente and Firuzeh," an tale of altered history, the Age of Exploration, and star-crossed love.


Round 1.3 in the Historical Fiction Smackdown is well underway!  However, for the prompt's limitations and the sake of accuracy, I had no choice but to break my theme and make the main character a man.  I'll post sometime within the next few days and make a few minor format changes to "Time and Time Again", but mostly everything will remain as is.  I hope you love our newest protagonist, Quincy, all the same.


Round 1.1 of the Historical Fiction Smackdown has begun!  I've decided to compile all of my entries into one book and changed the name to "Time and Time Again."  My 1.1 entry "Epiphania" is completed and published, so check it out!


Hey, everyone!  It's been way too long.
          So.  I'm sure you all have noticed my extended absence.  In fact, I feel so guilty about it that I've been avoiding this site for months.  But I'm not exaggerating when I say that the past several months have easily been the worst of my life, and have taken a physical, mental, and emotional toll on me.  I'm not the most open of authors on this site, but I'll be honest here.  I applied to 7 top-tier universities and was outright rejected from 5.  That, combined with the stress of too many AP classes, a lot of social drama, and a genetic tendency towards anxiety, has really exacerbated my existing anxiety issues.  I wasn't in a very good place for a long time.
          Now that I've graduated and am seeking treatment, things are going a bit better.  Still, I need time to get my life back together, without any added pressures.
          So, until further notice, I will not be publishing any new content on this page.  I might read some other stories on Wattpad, but that will be the extent of my presence here.  The Letters of Will Flaherty and The Impossibility Files, regrettably, will be discontinued.  I'll keep writing, but on my own time,  so I don't waste any of yours.  Basically, nothing from the past few months is going to change, but at least you know where I stand now.
          See ya later,


Hello, everyone, and happy holidays!  
          Firstly, I want to apologize for my extended absence.  This year, and the past few months especially, have been particularly grueling for me and very unproductive in the way of non-academic writing.  I unfortunately can't give you an exact date for new material, but I can promise to return as soon as possible.
          Additionally, changes might be coming for my works, home page, methods of communication, etc.  Stay tuned for these possible updates!
          I hope you have a wonderful holiday season, and that the new year brings you nothing but good things.  


Hello, everyone!  
          Firstly, I want to thank the readers of The Letters of Will Flaherty for getting my book to 1K reads!  This is an incredible goal that I honestly thought I might never reach, and it feels wonderful to be proven wrong about this.  I accidentally missed the one-year anniversary of The Letters in July, so happy (belated) birthday to the piece of work that got the ball rolling!
          Speaking of The Letters of Will Flaherty, I've done some significant work on the next chapter.  Although I've run into a little bit of a conundrum with the events of the chapter, it shouldn't take long to smooth everything out.  I plan to release it very soon - probably within the next few days, and most definitely within the next week.
          Unfortunately, summer is wrapping up, and this upcoming school year is going to be filled with even more challenging courses and the need to set aside some of the activities I want to do in favor of things I need to do.  Sadly, this includes writing.  As always, I will try my best to do as much writing as I can, but my time will be much more limited.
          Happy reading!


Hi, everyone!  
          It's funny how most of my posts begin with "yes, I am still alive."  Well, yes, I am still alive, and the terror of finals is beginning to lessen, which means more time for writing.
          Additionally, I have finally gotten over an 10-month-long case of writer's block and posted an actual chapter to The Letters of Will Flaherty.  Yay!  Here's to hoping my current inspiration lasts for a while longer.
          As ever, happy reading!