
Thanks to everyone that's read Witnessed for real it makes me vvv happy :) thanks for the support you guys love you 


hey friends! just wanted to let you know i moved into college this weekend! ahh!! crazy right i know lol but yeah you can expect an update from me later next week sometime (bc this week is pretty jammed packed) but don't think ive given up on this story bc i haven't! I'm just busy out college-ing lmao but i love you all and i hope you have a great week :)
          )) (ALSO for those of you starting school this week good luck friends you can do it)


hello anyone who's reading this! I promised an update a million years ago and I never kept my word im sorry :( I've been super super busy lately and I can't even keep up with myself it's a mess and I know my excuses are always shitty but I promise you people I'll get an update in before I go back to school! On the bright side, I'm going to ROWYSO Holmdel in exactly week and I'm super excited so yeah. I apologize as always lol I'm just trying to figure a few things out as to where I want Witnessed to go. Ok bye I love you if you are reading this lmao! 


Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in forever :/ I've been super hella busy and I just went to a conference in D.C. for a school group and I've had no time to even relax. I hope I can take school off tomorrow to get some more sleep in because I'm mad tired RN lol but if I stay home tomorrow I can try to work on some updates. I promise I'll have some up a$ap rocky lol but ok I just wanted to let you guys know that and apologize so I hope you all have a kick ass day and keep it gucci ;) -Kenzie 


Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been updating in awhile, but I have had sports, homework, and overall just a lot of stress and so many things have been happening, I just don't have the ware to update. BUT, I promise you I'll have a chapter up for Witnessed hopefully very soon! So with that said, I hope you all have a fabulous ass week and whatever is going on in your life, no that I love you :) ok bye lol