
I seriously need to get my sh*t together... Sorry, you guys! :(


          	  I came here to see if you were ok!
          	  I just finished Daisy and went to check out your other stories and noticed they all just stopped I July of 2020 - so you see how someone could worry 


Sorry for the delay you guys. I'm just going to work but after today, I have the day off. Last week, I got called into work if I could cover a shift and had to go back to work instead of taking a day off. But hey, I got more rest days and that means more story writing! Thank you for being patient!


It's been a year since I've been on Wattpad and I have forgotten all of my stories... So I got some reading to do and my next update won't come out quick...


@gigi_angelica welcome back and hope to see you again ❤❤❤


          It's been quite a long time since I've been on this website/app. 2022 now, my last update was literally about belated new Year to 2021. Yikes. The first thing that I would like to mention is to thank you. When I decided to come back to Wattpad, I did not expect this many notifications. I didn't think people still be interested in my stories, especially the ones that aren't completed. I am so grateful that so many of you enjoyed my stories, especially 'Daisy.' I never thought it would be this big. Thank you! Another thing I want to say is sorry. I'm sorry that I left you guys waiting and unanswered as to why I haven't updated in a long time. I decided to take an unannounced hiatus. This wasn't planned at all. I only wanted to take a break for a few days. I wasn't getting any new ideas for my other stories and thought taking a small break would help. But the breaks started to become longer. There were other personal things happening as well, along with college and work. For months my life has been to wake up, do some college stuff (like assignments, lectures, or studying), go to work, go home, do some more college stuff, go to bed, and restart. I didn't have the time to put in to update any of my stories. Eventually, towards the end of 2021, I burned out. I tried to pull through but I broke down. I remember during the weekend, I questioned myself and my future. Is this the major I wanted to take for the next 2 years? Do you even know what you want to do? Will you be able to pull through? I thought I had the major I wanted, but I didn't have a plan set out. I wasn't failing, but I didn't know what I was doing either. I felt like I wasn't learning anything and got even more confused each day. Also, due to the pandemic, classes are online and I live alone. For so many months, I was mostly all alone. I talked to some people and co-workers but it wasn't enough. I never realized how much social interaction can harm you mentally. I hated how I was living.
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welcome back


I wasn't happy. I felt like I wasn't achieving anything. One day, I drove back home to my dad's house. I told him how I was feeling. I felt like such a disappointment but he was supportive of me. He comforted me and told me that I disappointed no one, that feeling this way is normal for people my age. After spending a day with my dad, I decided to take a gap year from college. This was one of the greatest decisions that I made in my life. It felt like a large weight was lifted out of my shoulder. I took probably, a month or so of just simply relaxing. I still worked, but I didn't have to worry about college. For the first time, I accepted an invitation from my co-workers. I always told them that I was too busy. But it was nice, talking and hanging out with people (of course we were safe and wearing masks). I also got my vaccines, they weren't too bad except for my booster. I spend more time with my sister, dad, and family overall. I did things that I haven't done in a long time like reading or going jogging. I was relaxed, I was much happier. Now, I am deciding on going back to writing stories again. I am going to take things slowly. So I might not be able to update as much as I did before I took my hiatus. I'm still in college but I'm just taking a break and I have work. So the update might slow down when I do come back to college, which I will announce. I will start writing tomorrow. I don't know what story to focus on, but I'll figure that out. But yeah, this is an update. I'm back and will continue writing. If I do decide to take a break again, I will announce it to you guys. Once again, thank you for your support and patience! 
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