I hate how my mom thinks she can make my own choices. We're going somewhere today and every single time she's like "Put your makeup on." And when I say no, she literally insults me and says I look like a zombie because of my dark circles. It's not my fault I have dark circles, it's just the way I look. And then she'll force me to put my makeup on by getting my makeup herself and put it on me and will literally yell and hit my arm when I keep SPECIFICALLY telling no. It's my choice if I want to wear makeup or not, and today, I don't feel like doing it.
And she'll also tell me to shave when I haven't in a while because I'm a "lady" and it "shouldn't be there". If hair is not supposed to be there, why do I grow it? Girls grow hair, it's something our body does and I can't control where and where I don't grow hair.
It's almost like she's trying to make me feel insecure so I do what she wants me to do with my body. I don't care what I look like going out, and it's not any girl's problem when someone tells them to look more lady like.