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Ever wonder why people always make Izuku forgive his bullies no matter who and no matter what they do? Shitty writers who half ass an ending and cant follow through There are unforgivable acts and unlike what religion teaches, forgiving and forgetting are foolish ideals. Its like the stupid ass Izuku Yagi stories. 93% Izuku either gets killed or severely beaten and runs away. Gets a quirk. Tortures his bullies for a time then just fucking forgives them for everything. They also come up with shitty reasons for why the bullies who the heroes know arent hero material are still allowed into UA instead of ya know blacklisted for their villainy. But the best ones are the 'we bullied him to make him give up so he wouldnt die' trust me if I met the fucker who tried to sell me into sex slavery. There'd be no fucking forgivenes. I'd castrate him then cut his other head off. If my late bf met his family ever again he'd have straight up killed them for the torture he endured at their hands. Hell i won't even forgive my own fucking sister and mother for their bullshit and it's nothing compared to what Izuku Yagis always seem to suffer.