It’s been forever. Hi. I’m sorry for being MIA, I just kinda lost my love for writing so yeah… um I don’t know if I’ll ever get back into it but usually when I say that I start writing again and I’m hoping it’ll happen this time.

@gimchigu So long as you're okay.. take time to figure it all out. Do what you need! ♡♡♡

you shouldn’t have to apologize for anything!! only grateful n glad that you’re okay <3 your stories and your writing is truly so so amazing and immensely inspiring—but your individuality is much more important. we’re just glad that you’re okay, and that’s all that matters <3

@gimchigu Hi author, good to know your okay. It's totally fine you don't have to apologize. Little sad but that's okay. I really love your stories. They are amazing :)