
-I'm s-o so-r-ry. -Really s-o-r-ry. My k-eyb-oard -is m-ess-ed -u-p, as -is -ev-ident by th-is messag-e. So I can't -u-pdate l-egib-e chapt-ers -until I g-et -eith-er a new k-eyb-oard -or g-et -it f-ix-ed. If -it -ends -u-p tak-ing to-o l-ong, I'll sta-rt -u-pdating again, but th-ey'll b-e f-e-w and far -in bet-w-e-en b-ecaus-e -I'd n-e-ed to edit so m-uch.


-I'm s-o so-r-ry. -Really s-o-r-ry. My k-eyb-oard -is m-ess-ed -u-p, as -is -ev-ident by th-is messag-e. So I can't -u-pdate l-egib-e chapt-ers -until I g-et -eith-er a new k-eyb-oard -or g-et -it f-ix-ed. If -it -ends -u-p tak-ing to-o l-ong, I'll sta-rt -u-pdating again, but th-ey'll b-e f-e-w and far -in bet-w-e-en b-ecaus-e -I'd n-e-ed to edit so m-uch.


To all readers of any of my stories, the following message is for you: I will be going on a vacation starting tomorrow, and today is a holiday I'll be spending with my family, so I won't be able to update for a while. I will when I can, but it's unlikely for something to be up until August. Sorry for the inconvenience.


Heylo! So I'm wondering which stories to continue since obviously I'm backed up with so many. I want to delete some so....yeah. Comment which ones I should delete or should keep please, or if you're reading one of the stories please tell me, I'll conjure up a detailed summary for you.