
Heyyy, ok since I'm an industry of AUs I just created this au called "Amnesia". Basically new entities has erased all the memories of soccer (this time Tenma is included) and so Raimon never existed and everything, they are all on their twenties and have different jobs and study different subjects. Tenma works in a caffetteria while Tsurugi studies to became a doctor while he works as a delivery man for a pizzeria, Shindou is a piano teacher and so on.
          	Do you think that I should make a fanfic about it or should I finish my other book first?
          	Please help I can't decide.


Ciao, scusa il disturbo, volevo solamente dirti se ti va di passare a leggere la mia storia wattapad! Si chiama "You saved me" Trovi la trama, la trope e i tag tutti sul mio profilo, al momento ho pubblicato solo 2 capitoli ma con calma continuerò a scrivere :) Sarò molto contenta se tu la leggesti, poiché io su wattpad ho sempre letto ma mai scritto, quindi sto ancora agli inizi. 
          Non voglio sembrare troppo invadente quindi ora ti saluto, e grazie in anticipo!




@AnjiruSpirit I will sure give it a read! 


@AnjiruSpirit I hope you will love my stories. One of my stories has 2 Book, one story is ongoing, and one story is now discontinued. 


Hey sono Adry la ragazza di oggi  scusa non ho fatto in tempo a scambiare il numero di cellulare 


@ AdrianaMesiano8  ah scusa è 379*


Ho provato a salvare il numero che mi hai mandato ma me sa che me ne hai dato uno sbagliato


@AdrianaMesiano8 Adri qui c'è un problemino


Heyyy, ok since I'm an industry of AUs I just created this au called "Amnesia". Basically new entities has erased all the memories of soccer (this time Tenma is included) and so Raimon never existed and everything, they are all on their twenties and have different jobs and study different subjects. Tenma works in a caffetteria while Tsurugi studies to became a doctor while he works as a delivery man for a pizzeria, Shindou is a piano teacher and so on.
          Do you think that I should make a fanfic about it or should I finish my other book first?
          Please help I can't decide.