
"The Mask I Wear,"
          	The Mask I Wear,
          	Is a beautiful mask...
          	It holds Secrets and Promises,
          	Demons and Angels...
          	It protects  me from the world,
          	And the horrible people in it...
          	Under the mask,
          	Is a broken girl...
          	A girl no one can fix,
          	A girl who doesn't exist...
          	Her cries are Loud,
          	Her words are Silent...
          	Behind the broken girl,
          	Is a happy girl...
          	She smiles and Laughs,
          	And enjoys being around people...
          	She has no fears,
          	No worries...
          	She's a free spirit...
          	The mask keeps what's under together... 
          	That happy girl is dead,
          	She doesn't even exist...
          	It's all an illusion,
          	It's just in your mind...
          	Remember that,
          	Throughout this story...
          	This is the description, 


"The Mask I Wear,"
          The Mask I Wear,
          Is a beautiful mask...
          It holds Secrets and Promises,
          Demons and Angels...
          It protects  me from the world,
          And the horrible people in it...
          Under the mask,
          Is a broken girl...
          A girl no one can fix,
          A girl who doesn't exist...
          Her cries are Loud,
          Her words are Silent...
          Behind the broken girl,
          Is a happy girl...
          She smiles and Laughs,
          And enjoys being around people...
          She has no fears,
          No worries...
          She's a free spirit...
          The mask keeps what's under together... 
          That happy girl is dead,
          She doesn't even exist...
          It's all an illusion,
          It's just in your mind...
          Remember that,
          Throughout this story...
          This is the description,