you’re cold.. how strange.

──── YUKINA ╱ A SMILE PAINTS HER EXPRESSION ❪ MOTIVES ALWAYS REMAIN UNKNOWN. ❫ she watches closely, studying her closely [ … ] HEAT SENSORS [ ?? ] this “girl”felt like a creation of man, now where was the love [ ?? ] ❝ AH, THERE’S NEVET A MOMENT WHEN IM NOT ❪ OLD HABITS DIE HARD ❫ and … something about you is alluring: perhaps unsettling ?? i’ll have to decided that for myself. though i’m glad we met again .. always a lovely face to see

˓ ⅋ FILE ˖ @mortalgivens: heat sensors. broken. took them.. when they. took.. my voice. yeah. (yukina wipes blood — never real — from the scratch on her cheek, titanium glinting underneath a paper-thin slit of torn skin. she'll have to seal that later.) .. someone's curious.