A little update on what going on with me. Online classes have started and I've got not only a large project to do, but also a test this Friday. Hopefully I'm able to get the next chapter up soon.
A little update on what going on with me. Online classes have started and I've got not only a large project to do, but also a test this Friday. Hopefully I'm able to get the next chapter up soon.
Things are getting so ruff with Covid-19 so much so that my school is turning to online learning. It's been three days and I haven't had a lesson, what the feck is going on?
I'm going back to Uni this week and I don't know when the next chapter for Life Is Strange is coming out, but what I can say for now is that I've starting writing it, so don't worry.
Woke up at 2:00AM, watched the latest Emma Chamberlin video and now I'm ready to write chapter two of Life Is Strange! Can't wait for y'all to read it.
I've been watching glee for the past week and I just started season 2. Can I just say, I'm glad Sam has been included into the show. Mama needs better eye candy in these trying times.