heey people of wattpad, I am rowan,
from Amsterdam ya know THE CITY at least if you like drugs . but I am 14 and I am a bit of a writer but mostly i like to party and chill. and I am bisexaul, and have a little bit of an anger problem. but for now that's it really, bye
  • in neverland , dancing with peter pan
  • DołączyłJanuary 18, 2014

Ostatnia Wiadomość
girl_in_neverland girl_in_neverland Aug 20, 2014 01:58PM
@ChocolateAndCupcake god hanna why am Inot ssurprised
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Dzieło autorstwa rowrow
words inside my head autorstwa girl_in_neverland
words inside my head
this is my poems book, some are dark some are happy and some are hope .just poems made by me
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