
Chapter 2 for my book, “Possessive” will sadly take longer to get out.
          	I’ve been dealing with the same problems I had before I took my sudden 2 year break of writing. But, have no fear! I will try my best to publish the chapter as soon as possible.
          	In the meantime, which Sans do you think will appear next?


Hi There can you please a update the book please l love you book is Amazing 


Hello! (・∀・)
          I'm the one of the few who can assess the book! 
          Idk what to do with this info but HHHHH
          I do wonder what happened but I bet it was IRL reasons if I'm not mistakin' 
          I do wish the best of her.
          And thank you for telling us about this! 
          I hope you and blue, the best of luck! ( ꈍᴗꈍ)


Chapter 2 for my book, “Possessive” will sadly take longer to get out.
          I’ve been dealing with the same problems I had before I took my sudden 2 year break of writing. But, have no fear! I will try my best to publish the chapter as soon as possible.
          In the meantime, which Sans do you think will appear next?


Hi There can you please a update the book please l love you book is Amazing 


You Were Killed, I Wouldn't Be At Your Funeral.
          I Would Be In Jail For Killing The Person Who Killed You.
          We Are True Friends.
          We Ride Together, We Die Together.
          Send This To Everyone You Care about, Including Me, If You Care. 
          See How Many Times You Get This.
          I Want You To Know You Are An Amazing Friend, Till Death, And Forever.
          If I Don't Get This Back, I Understand.
          But I Have A request For You.
          Once You Get This Letter,
          Please Send This To 15 Other People, 
          ❤If You Get The At Least Three Times, You Are Loved.❤
          Nobody Knows How Important Something Is Until They Lose It.
          With Love, Send This To Fifteen Other People.
          A Friend Told Me To Do This, So Pass It On.
          Please send This To Fifteen Other Nice People, so everyone will know that they are loved!
          (I edited a bit of it, just because I felt they were unnecessary/not true :p)


If You Were Killed, I Wouldn't Be At Your Funeral.
          I Would Be In Jail For Killing The Person Who Killed You.
          We Are True Friends.
          We Ride Together, We Die Together.
          Send This To Everyone You Care About, Including Me, If You Care. 
          See How Many Times You Get This.
          I Want You To Know You Are An Amazing Friend, 'Til Death And Forever.
          If I Don't Get This Back, I Understand.
          But I Have A Game For You.
          Once You Get This Letter.
          You Must Send This To 15 Other People.
          Including Me.
          ❤️ If You Get This At Least Three Times, You Are Loved.❤️
          Nobody Knows How Important Something Is Until They Lose It.
          Tonight (Right at 12:00 PM) The Person You Love Will Relize They Love You.
          Then At 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM Be Ready For The Shock Of Your Life!
          If You Break This Chain, You Will Have Bad Luck.
          With Love, Send This to Fifteen Other People.
          If You Don't, You Will Turn Ugly In One Year.
          A Friend Told Me To Do This, So Pass It On.
          Tomorrow, Two Boys/Girls Will Ask If They Can Have Your Number.
          Send This To Fifteen Other Nice People, Or Bad Luck Starts For A Whole Year.


Remember the book I said before?
          Well am ready to give another hint!
          “This isn’t possible.” The dark figure whispered under his breath.
          The figure next to him was surprised as he was, he had never knew this could happen throughout his life.
          “Wh..Why can’t she...” The skeleton nervously questioned, only to receive a nod in response.
          “She can’t feel your aura, Brother. She is only human yet she cannot feel the happiness your giving off.”
          Someone who can’t feel his aura, something that’s blocking him from ever loving someone.
          Someone who can maybe, just maybe actually like him for who he is.


@girlboo12388  W O U L D  Y O U  L I K E  S O M E  T E A, M I S T ER  G O O E Y? 


Long ass hint