To all you lovely people,
I have bad news to tell you all,
I know I've been super offline, not updating or leaving a single comment. I have no excuses, but the news is that I'm leaving wattpad...
These 4 years I've been here were beautiful, I'm sure everyone who has read such lovely comments as a fanfic author, knows what I mean when I say what all of your comments meant to me.
I was saved, I lived, and am living with such blessings.
I am not sad anymore or confused, I am living life the best I could and I am happy, I hope everyone of you all find happiness and live the best life.
This is my final most sincere thanks to you all.
Thank you for all the beautiful memories, the years I spent here means a lot to me.
I love you all from the bottom of my heart ❤️
Borahae ♥️❤️