
Hello everyone! As of today, 29/01/2022, Her Safe Haven is officially complete! 
          	Special thank you to all my new followers and all my readers! 
          	Lots of love and wishing everyone well,


Hello everyone! :)
          First of all, I would like to welcome my new followers. I would love to message everyone individually, also those who voted on and put my works in your reading lists, but over the time with the hundreds of notifications and everything it just became impossible. So I apologise in advance and I'll take this time to welcome everyone who is new to my profile! Thank you for your follow and please feel free to message me about anything! <3
          Second of all, I would like to apologise for disappearing for almost a year.I have been overwhelmed and buried in my studies and work. But I have been finding the time to write, and I will start to slowly edit the chapters again and post everything here. Please continue to be patient waiting for the new chapters of Her Safe Haven :)
          Current statuses of my books:
          - Her Safe Haven: Incomplete BUT completed in draft.
          - Affliction: Complete BUT I may post new poems now and then.
          Anyway I hope everyone is staying healthy in this difficult time, and please feel free to message me about anything! 
          Lots of love and wishing everyone well,


@girlmoon21 you stay safe & well tooo!! :)


Hi there to be clear Her Safe Haven is not complete  


@nonisasha7 Hello! Thank you for your message! So sorry for the super late reply, I've been buried in work and am trying to find the time to write. Yes, HSH is not yet completely published, but I've completed it on my draft, so I just need to find the time to edit and publish the remaining chapters(: Hoping you'll stay patient and maybe continue to follow the story! <3


Hello everyone! I'm finally back after almost a year of being inactive :) 
          First of all, I have to really apologize for not updating Her Safe Haven :( I'm in med school now and it's been really very very busy. Please stay patient for a while longer and expect an update in around August 2020.
          Second of all, I'd like to thank all of you for still reading and supporting my works despite my inactivities. You have no idea how much it means to me <3 I usually make it a point to thank everyone personally for putting my books in reading lists / voting / following, but I've been so busy and the notifications just piled up after some time that I can't keep up anymore, so I'm so sorry I can't personally thank everyone. So I'd like to take this opportunity to thank all of you again, especially my new followers, a big warm welcome!! Thank you so much for giving my works a chance! :)
          Third of all, I hope everyone is staying well and healthy during this past difficult months. Please know that whoever you are, you all can message me ANYTIME about ANYTHING at all. I would really really love to get to know all of you personally, so please feel free to drop me a message. Especially if you don't feel well and need someone to talk to! I'm always here and as someone who knows how it is to feel lonely and sad sometimes, please know I care for you!
          Lots and lots of love. I'm doing well now but am currently experiencing a rough heartbreak and am very very busy with school work. How are you guys? :)


@poignantvellichor it's been too long! great to hear that u're awesome, stay healthy and awesome! 
            Sorry for late reply. I've been buried in work and trying to just find time here and there to write x_x lots of love!


Hi there, sorry to bother you I just wanted to know if you plan to finish HER SAFE HAVEN?


@youngstar1 Hello! I'm so sorry for the late reply, I've been super duper busy. First of all thank you very much for the follow and votes and adding Her Safe Haven to your reading list! :D I'm glad you enjoyed it and it really made my day <3 
            To answer your question: YES, I plan to finish Her Safe Haven. I've had the outline since last year, but I'm very sorry it's very difficult for me to find time to write because I'm also currently in med school :( though thank you so much for your patience in waiting for the updates, and I hope you continue to wait <3 can't wait to get to know you more too so feel free to message me if anything okay!! :) <3