
Hello Pretty People!!
          	Chapter 4 of “Always” is out now!
          	It would mean the world and beyond to me if you guys checked it out <3 It's actually a mix of my WIPs and a kinda continued HLJ.
          	Hugs and Kisses,


Hello everyone,
          After some thorough thinking, I’ve decided that I will not be continuing HLJ. I really do feel horrible, but I’ve come to realize that I need to write something more original.
          After rereading a few of my favorite books on wattpad, I realized that many chapters are heavily influenced on them—and I don’t want to seem like I’m stealing anyone’s work.
          Additionally, I’m not sure how I even wanted to continue it in the first place. Foolishly, I started the book without a basic plot plan or any direction and have been winging everything on the spot, and I really do believe this is not my best work.
          I hope you understand, and thank you for supporting me along the way. Hopefully I’ll publish something original and that I enjoy writing soon ❤️ 
          Love you all 


tis the day of my birth—I’m a few years over a century rn!!!


Hello loves!
          A new chapter for HLJ will be up soon (I pinky-promise), but I'd like to announce something else.
          I'm writing a very funny, laidback vampire story. This will be more of a casual way for me to relive stress and whatnot. It's hopefully gonna be very amusing!
          Also, I'd like to mention that it's @theend_x 's birthday on Saturday, and I love her very, much she's the bestest ;)
          Thank you all for your patience and support!