
@EvangelineRosier  I believe it.


Hey! I forgot to say thank you for adding Common Ground onto one of your reading lists! If you want something abit different, be sure to take a look at my best work - Seven: A Tom Riddle Love Story. It has a deeper plot and more of an intense romance. 
          Thanks again ~ N x 


Thank you! X


@NGreener no problem and I will.


Hey, everybody I was re-reading my fanfic and I noticed Chapter 5 was not finished. Which confused me since right after I finished a test on the computer I worked on it and hit save. Then when I went back to finish it everything only to find out that I didn't save. But then again I use computers and iPods and stuff like that. Well so any way I re-typed everything tapped publish and got off it's obvious it didn't work again so I'm going to some it up. Isis and Harry finish first. Slug horn is on her side of the room looking right at her. But he picks favorites goes to Harry first.