
          the   imperfect   sister   to   a   perfect  son.     you   lost   your   leg   in   an   effort   to   outperform   him,     what   will   you   forfeit  next?     your   living   breath?     might   as   well.     after   all,     you   either   live   drowning   in   his   shadow,     o̲r̲   d̲i̲e̲   t̲r̲y̲i̲n̲g̲   t̲o̲   p̲r̲o̲v̲e̲   y̲o̲u̲r̲s̲e̲l̲f̲.⠀⠀❜
          established   october   twenty   six.     EVANGELINA   BLAINE,     of   a   beautiful   mind ‏؛     her   brother's   only   match.     another   one   of   my   loving   contributions   to   jules'   ragtag   gang   of   dragoneirs     <3
          ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀(⠀CB     +     SPECIFY.⠀)


          established   october   seventeen.     daniel     PRETTY   BOY     blaine,     one   of   draegocademy's   best.     my   loving   contribution   to   jules'   ragtag   gang   of   dragoneirs     <3
          ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀(⠀CB     +     SPECIFY.⠀)


          all   sunkissed   skin   and   eyes   as   blue   as   the   sea,     but   beneath   his   collar   lie   the   scars   of   a   thousand   failures.     a̲   t̲h̲o̲u̲s̲a̲n̲d̲   r̲e̲a̲s̲o̲n̲s̲   t̲o̲   c̲r̲y̲   h̲i̲m̲s̲e̲l̲f̲   t̲o̲   s̲l̲e̲e̲p̲.⠀⠀❜
          established   october   seventeen.     daniel     PRETTY   BOY     blaine,     one   of   draegocademy's   best.     my   loving   contribution   to   jules'   ragtag   gang   of   dragoneirs     <3
          ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀(⠀CB     +     SPECIFY.⠀)


ok   testing   testing   1   2   3


˗ ˏˋ⠀@dulcetveined ┊ ❁ཻུ۪۪⸙͎ ੈ˚


˗ ˏˋ⠀@dulcetveined ┊❁ཻུ۪۪⸙͎ ੈ˚


˗ ˏˋ⠀@dulcetveined ┊  ੈ♡‧₊˚


SHE   COULD   READ   HIM   LIKE   A   NOVEL,     one   well - worn   and   well - loved,     knew   every   word   from   cover   to   cover─┈ ⠀⠀but   in   times   like   this,     god,     she   wished   she   couldn't.     watching   ron's   expression   contort   into   something   she   couldn't   put   words   to,     something   so   devastatingly   blank,     it   turned   crimson   blood   to   ice   in   her   veins.     of   course   he   would  resist   emotion,     refuse   it,     but   his   eyes   told   of   the   way   his   heart   broke   at   the   news,     shattered   to   hear    that   he'd   lost   his   big   brother . . .     and   rightfully   so.
          alexia   stroked   a   thumb   across   the   auburnette's   cheek,     attempting   to  offer   some   sort   of   comfort   despite   the   fact   that,     deep   down,     she   knew   just   as   well   as   he   did   that   it   would   do   nothing.     their   world   as   they   knew   it   was   crumbling,     and   the   thought   that   she   had   just   made   it   WORSE . . .     it   ate   at   the   girl.     but   he   had   to   know.     pale   features   twisted   further,     and   her   frown   deepened   at   the   way   he   tore   away   from   her   touch,     like   it   burned   him,     watching   in   anticipation   of   his   next   move   as   tears   rolled   past   dark   lashes   and   down   ruddy   cheeks.     before   she   knew   it,     ron   had   spun   on   his  heel,     taking   off   in   some   direction   opposite   of   the   anguished   cries   of   those   who   were   experiencing   the   worst   of   things,     and   for   a   moment,     the   brunette   thought   to   follow   at   his   heels.


❛ ⠀Iionhearted ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀❁ཻུ۪۪⸙͎ ੈ˚⠀⠀⠀*     it   felt   as   if   fireworks   were   going   off   in   her   chest,     stomach   in   knots,     the   gap   between   their   bodies   finally   closing   as   the   male   pulled   her   flush   against   his   chest.     it   indulged   her   want   to   be   close   to   him,     the   physical   being   inside   of   her─┈⠀⠀⠀and   despite   the   part   of   alexia   that   worried   he   might   somehow   be   able   to   feel   the   pounding   of   her   heart   now   that   they   were   practically   moulded   to   each   other,     there   was   a   part   of   her   that     /     wanted     /     him   to   feel   it,     that   wanted   him   to   know   how   she   felt,     wanted   to   tell   him   everything   she'd   hidden   and   avoided   for   years.     timid   fingers   wove   into   red   locks   as   the   kiss   began   to   deepen,     chin   tilted   towards   him   by   the   pads   of   slender   digits,     arising   a   faint   sense   of   urgency   in   the   brunette ‏؛     tenderness   sloping   into   subdued   desperation,     wanting   to   explore   the   new   territory   they'd   entered,     but   unsure   of   how   to   navigate   it,     because   while   this   was   nice,     so   nice,     she   couldn't   help   but   want   more.     *


it   was   dangerous   for   him   to   be   running   off   the   way   he   was ‏؛     most   of   the   building   in  ruins,     destruction   masking   what   could   be   lurking   in   the   farthest   corners,     the   threat   of   death   just   lurking,     WAITING   to   snap   its   jaws   shut   around   another   victim.     but   part   of   her   had   expected   him   to   do   just   that.     to   run.
            golden   orbs   watched   as   he   turned   a   corner   and   disappeared   from   her   sight,     heart   sinking   from   her   throat   and   past   her   stomach,     into   the   floor─┈ ⠀ ⠀ and   then   she   was   caving.     feet   fell   heavily   against   vast,     crackled   pieces   of   marble,     gaze   blurred   by   tears   as   alexia   was,     once   again,     chasing   after   the   male   who   was   nowhere   to   be   seen.     it   didn't   take   long   for   her   to   find   him.     not   after   six   years.     not   when   he'd   told   her   about   the   spot,     had   brought   her   there   himself.     not   when   she   wanted   to   call   for   him,     his   name   was   caught   in   the   barbed   wire   that   was   her   throat,     and   her   footsteps,     feather   light,     gave   her   away.
            ron   was   crying.     but   it   was   okay.     she   was   crying,     too.
            ❛     it's   not   safe   in   here.     not   alone.     ❜


ALEXIA   DIDN'T   KNOW   WHAT   TO   SAY,     and   much   less   did   she   know   what   to   do,     eyes   peeling   back   at   being   asked   to   first   tell   him   what   happened ‏؛     what   had   her   in   such   a   state   of   anguish,     clutching   at   the   male's   shirt   like   her   bloody   life   depended   on   it.     gaze   shifting   to   glance   at   the   people   around   them,     those   with   about   as   little   strength   as   they   two   did,     those   who   had   been   fighting   alongside   them,     honey   oculars   eventually   returned   to   lock   with   the   sapphire   of   ron's   anxious   gaze,     awaiting   an   ANSWER,     damnit.
          but . . .     who   was   she   to   tell   him   that   his   brother   had   died   amidst   the   chaos,     a   soldier,     fighting   to   defend   the   safety   of   not   only   hogwarts,     but   of    the   wizarding   world?     who   was   she   to   stand   there   and   bring   one   of   his   worst   nightmares   to   life?     oh,     how   the   brunette   DREADED   it,     an   overwhelming   ache   set   deep   in   the   pit   of   her   chest,     a   heinous   mixture   of   agony   and   an   odd   sort   of   guilt   that   made   it   hard   to   breathe─┈⠀⠀⠀but   she   didn't   have   a   choice.     both   hands   cupped   at   either   sides   of   the   ginger's   face,     fingers   splaying   against   his   jaw,     as   if   to   steady   him   for   what   she   was   about   to   say.     lungs   filled   with   a   deep,     shaking   breath.     she   needed   to   be   strong,     get   this   over   with,     but   the   thought   of   saying   it   out   loud,     of   making   it   REAL,     brought   a   fresh   wave   of   tears   to   burn   at   earth - toned   hues.
          ❛     fred's   gone,     ron.     ❜


          despite   the   retreating   of   voldemort's   forces.     despite   his   promise   of   peace   if   the   chosen   one   gave   himself   up.     the   threat   of   death   and   destruction   still   loomed   over   the   heads   of   everyone   at   hogwarts,     and   for   some,     that   threat   had   already   been   set   in   motion.
          alexia's   heart   raced   as   she   ran   through   the   corridor,     mindful   of   the   debris   of   broken   walls   and   shattered   glass,     searching   for   the   red   hair   she   knew   so   well.     each   breath   ached.     it   felt   unreal,     having   to   deliver    such   earth - shattering   news.    the   way   molly   weasley   had   taken   her   by   the   arms,     sobbing   that   her   son,     her   precious   boy,     was   dead.     oh,     god.     there   he   was.     it   felt   as   if   time   had   slowed   once   bloodstained   fingers   were   catching   the   fabric   of   ronald's   jacket,     turning   his   much   taller   frame   towards   the   girl,     tears   cutting   through   the   blood   and   grime   that   caked   freckled   features.
          ❛     ron,     there's─┈⠀⠀you   have   to   come─┈⠀⠀something's   happened.     ❜


          despite   the   retreating   of   voldemort's   forces.     despite   his   promise   of   peace   if   the   chosen   one   gave   himself   up.     the   threat   of   death   and   destruction   still   loomed   over   the   heads   of   everyone   at   hogwarts,     and   for   some,     that   threat   had   already   been   set   in   motion.
          alexia's   heart   raced   as   she   ran   through   the   corridor,     mindful   of   the   debris   of   broken   walls   and   shattered   glass,     searching   for   the   red   hair   she   knew   so   well.     each   breath   ached.     it   felt   unreal,     having   to   deliver    such   earth - shattering   news.    the   way   molly   weasley   had   taken   her   by   the   arms,     sobbing   that   her   son,     her   precious   boy,     was   dead.     oh,     god.     there   he   was.     it   felt   as   if   time   had   slowed   once   bloodstained   fingers   were   catching   the   fabric   of   ronald's   jacket,     turning   his   much   taller   frame   towards   the   girl,     tears   cutting   through   the   blood   and   grime   that   caked   freckled   features.
          ❛     ron,     there's─┈⠀⠀you   have   to   come─┈⠀⠀something's   happened.     ❜


THE   WAR   WAS   FAR   FROM   OVER,     despite   the   retreating   of   voldemort's   forces.     despite   his   promise   of   peace   if   the   chosen   one   gave   himself   up.     the   threat   of   death   and   destruction   still   loomed   over   the   heads   of   everyone   at   hogwarts,     and   for   some,     that   threat   had   already   been   set   in   motion.
          alexia's   heart   raced   as   she   ran   through   the   corridor,     mindful   of   the   debris   of   broken   walls   and   shattered   glass,     searching   for   the   red   hair   she   knew   so   well.     each   breath   ached.     it   felt   unreal,     having   to   deliver    such   earth - shattering   news.    the   way   molly   weasley   had   taken   her   by   the   arms,     sobbing   that   her   son,     her   precious   boy,     was   dead.     oh,     god.     there   he   was.     it   felt   as   if   time   had   slowed   once   bloodstained   fingers   were   catching   the   fabric   of   ronald's   jacket,     turning   his   much   taller   frame   towards   the   girl,     tears   cutting   through   the   blood   and   grime   that   caked   freckled   features.
          ❛     ron,     there's─┈⠀⠀you   have   to   come─┈⠀⠀something's   happened.     ❜