&& i’ve been a bit busy but i’ll start sending out replies by thursday i promise
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&& i’ve been a bit busy but i’ll start sending out replies by thursday i promise
&& i’ve been a bit busy but i’ll start sending out replies by thursday i promise
&& ok just finished catching up , cb !!
" it will fester. let me help so you may keep this arm. "
## @woodlanddruid ! “ g’lyck … ” her lips let out a sigh , hearing his wisdom but still keeping her hand on her sword in case he’d try something unusual . “ pray tell , why are you so desperate to treat me ? ” , the gith asked him warily . “ my people’s medicine is better than the mediocre plants you splatter on your skin . why should i trust you ? ”
" there is only so much our medicine can do. at least let me treat it, but can close it up and bind it on your own if you wish. " but he wouldn't push it either. knowing very well her people and how they didn't really help or accept help. strong and steadfast. though it was not simply a wound you could ignore. " I just down want it to poison your blood. we all still need you. "
## @woodlanddruid ! the githyanki looked up with a scornful expression , almost offend that he had offered to help her . “ and why should i trust you ? just because the others do does not mean i am willing to accept you istik . ” , she hissed at him , applying pressure to her wound .
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ugh⠀ ...⠀ a⠀ little⠀ help⠀ please .ᐣ⠀ those⠀ blasted⠀ wolves⠀ did⠀ me⠀ a⠀ number.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀why,⠀ you⠀ ...⠀ ⠀[⠀ she's⠀ so⠀ close⠀ to⠀ snapping.⠀ but⠀ she⠀ holds⠀ back,⠀ biting⠀ down⠀ on⠀ her⠀ tongue,⠀ lest⠀ they⠀ argue⠀ so⠀ loud,⠀ they⠀ attract⠀ more⠀ hostile⠀ creatures⠀ to⠀ their⠀ area.⠀ ]⠀ ⠀enough.⠀ are⠀ we⠀ done⠀ yet .ᐣ⠀ let's⠀ head⠀ back⠀ to⠀ the⠀ camp⠀ already. ⠀⠀⠀┉┉┉┉┉⠀ ⠀ID.⠀ @githwarriors
## @acolyte ! she rolls her eyes at the girl’s remark , crossing her arms while scrunching her face at the sight . “ your lack of vigilance does not require me to help you . aren’t you an ir’revrykal ? ask your little goddess instead . ”
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀wonderful,⠀ thank⠀ you.⠀ you⠀ truly⠀ are⠀ a⠀ tremendous⠀ help⠀ as⠀ always,⠀ lae'zel.⠀ ⠀[⠀ she⠀ spits,⠀ sarcasm⠀ lacing⠀ her⠀ voice⠀ like⠀ venom.⠀ once⠀ she's⠀ done⠀ casting⠀ a⠀ healing⠀ spell⠀ on⠀ the⠀ bite⠀ wound⠀ she⠀ sustained,⠀ she⠀ pushes⠀ herself⠀ back⠀ on⠀ her⠀ feet,⠀ brushing⠀ any⠀ speck⠀ of⠀ dirt⠀ off⠀ her⠀ armor.⠀ ]⠀ ⠀the⠀ next⠀ time⠀ we⠀ venture⠀ out,⠀ do⠀ keep⠀ an⠀ eye⠀ on⠀ the⠀ places⠀ we⠀ go⠀ to.⠀ i⠀ wouldn't⠀ want⠀ to⠀ run⠀ into⠀ a⠀ wolves'⠀ den⠀ again. ⠀⠀⠀┉┉┉┉┉⠀ ⠀ID.⠀ @githwarriors
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀i⠀ don't⠀ recall⠀ telling⠀ you⠀ my⠀ favorite⠀ flowers.⠀ how⠀ ...⠀ did⠀ you⠀ know⠀ i⠀ liked⠀ night⠀ orchids,⠀ let⠀ alone⠀ get⠀ them .ᐣ
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀well,⠀ ouch.⠀ ⠀[⠀ she⠀ raises⠀ a⠀ brow⠀ at⠀ that⠀ certain⠀ comment.⠀ that⠀ is⠀ very⠀ much⠀ a⠀ verbal⠀ attack⠀ on⠀ her⠀ part.⠀ as⠀ much⠀ as⠀ she⠀ wants⠀ to⠀ retort,⠀ best⠀ save⠀ that⠀ energy⠀ elsewhere.⠀ ]⠀ ⠀i⠀ keep⠀ forgetting⠀ jokes⠀ fly⠀ over⠀ your⠀ head.⠀ and⠀ they⠀ say⠀ you're⠀ humorous⠀ amongst⠀ your⠀ people.⠀ ( ... )⠀ but,⠀ um,⠀ thank⠀ you.⠀ for⠀ the⠀ flowers.⠀ i'd⠀ give⠀ something⠀ back⠀ but⠀ i'm⠀ afraid⠀ that⠀ might⠀ have⠀ to⠀ wait. ⠀⠀⠀┉┉┉┉┉⠀ ⠀ID.⠀ @githwarriors
## @acolyte ! her eyes sharped as she let out a tsk , “ [i] do not grow soft , i was raised a soldier not a measly god’s dog unlike some . ” at her remark , the githyanki let out a bitter chuckle . “ you think that i have the same properties as a weakling like you ? do not make me laugh . ”
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀and⠀ yet,⠀ here⠀ you⠀ are⠀ ───⠀ giving⠀ me⠀ these⠀ flowers⠀ when⠀ you⠀ could've⠀ wasted⠀ your⠀ time⠀ doing⠀ better⠀ things.⠀ i'll⠀ start⠀ thinking⠀ you're⠀ going⠀ soft⠀ on⠀ me.⠀ ( ... )⠀ also,⠀ have⠀ i⠀ ever⠀ told⠀ you⠀ that⠀ night⠀ orchids⠀ are⠀ poisonous .ᐣ⠀ especially⠀ when⠀ you⠀ pick⠀ them⠀ up⠀ by⠀ hand. ⠀⠀⠀┉┉┉┉┉⠀ ⠀ID.⠀ @githwarriors
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀give⠀ me⠀ back⠀ that⠀ wine⠀ bottle,⠀ gith.⠀ can't⠀ you⠀ see⠀ i'm⠀ enjoying⠀ a⠀ drink⠀ here .ᐣ
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀[⠀ she⠀ puts⠀ her⠀ hands⠀ up⠀ in⠀ defense,⠀ taking⠀ a⠀ step⠀ back.⠀ when⠀ the⠀ githyanki⠀ continues⠀ her⠀ trek,⠀ shadowheart⠀ drags⠀ a⠀ hand⠀ down⠀ her⠀ face,⠀ annoyed.⠀ ]⠀ ⠀gods,⠀ give⠀ me⠀ a⠀ break.⠀ out⠀ of⠀ everyone⠀ who'd⠀ drag⠀ me⠀ out⠀ of⠀ the⠀ camp,⠀ it⠀ had⠀ to⠀ be⠀ her⠀ ───⠀ hey,⠀ wait⠀ up .ᐟ⠀ ⠀[⠀ hastily⠀ walking⠀ to⠀ catch⠀ up.⠀ ] ⠀⠀⠀┉┉┉┉┉⠀ ⠀ID.⠀ @githwarriors
## @acolyte ! “ the only time you’ll be alone is when i slay your ghaik form ” , she cuts , her claws pointing towards the half - elf’s throat . “ you ought to speak with respect , tchki ! ” the warrior started walking ahead , not looking back as her feet headed towards the river , quietly swearing to herself for even bothering .
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀just⠀ when⠀ i⠀ thought⠀ i'd⠀ be⠀ getting⠀ some⠀ proper⠀ time⠀ to⠀ myself.⠀ ⠀[⠀ a⠀ sigh.⠀ she⠀ gets⠀ up,⠀ crossing⠀ her⠀ arms.⠀ ]⠀ ⠀fine.⠀ where⠀ are⠀ you⠀ taking⠀ me .ᐣ⠀ this⠀ better⠀ be⠀ good. ⠀⠀⠀┉┉┉┉┉⠀ ⠀ID.⠀ @githwarriors
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀no,⠀ lae'zel,⠀ i⠀ am⠀ not⠀ turning.⠀ neither⠀ a⠀ mind⠀ flayer⠀ nor⠀ a⠀ lycan.⠀ do⠀ not⠀ give⠀ me⠀ that⠀ look.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀few⠀ weeks⠀ ago,⠀ i⠀ was⠀ pointing⠀ a⠀ knife⠀ at⠀ your⠀ throat.⠀ and⠀ now,⠀ the⠀ roles⠀ are⠀ reversed.⠀ how⠀ festive.⠀ ⠀[⠀ despite⠀ the⠀ animosity⠀ radiating⠀ from⠀ the⠀ both⠀ of⠀ them,⠀ the⠀ half - elf⠀ remains⠀ ...⠀ well,⠀ she⠀ still⠀ has⠀ those⠀ snarky⠀ remarks⠀ she⠀ loves⠀ to⠀ hurl⠀ at⠀ the⠀ other.⠀ for⠀ a⠀ moment,⠀ her⠀ steel⠀ gaze⠀ seems⠀ to⠀ lose⠀ its⠀ intensity⠀ and⠀ instead,⠀ softens.⠀ ]⠀ ⠀just⠀ ...⠀ believe⠀ me,⠀ lae'zel. ⠀⠀⠀┉┉┉┉┉⠀ ⠀ID.⠀ @githwarriors
## @acolyte ! “ ha ! do you think your words will change anything . ” the githyanki spat , blade out , pointed under the cleric’s chin . finally she had a reason to get rid of the pest that had been stuck to her her side since the start . still , an annoying part of her wished , wanted to , gave her the benefit of the doubt .
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀the⠀ beast⠀ prowls⠀ at⠀ night.⠀ heavy⠀ stomps⠀ echo⠀ within⠀ the⠀ woods,⠀ claws⠀ drawing⠀ huge⠀ marks⠀ on⠀ tree⠀ barks⠀ she⠀ passes⠀ by,⠀ her⠀ breathing⠀ rough.⠀ the⠀ moon⠀ is⠀ starting⠀ to⠀ set.⠀ it⠀ will⠀ be⠀ dawn⠀ soon.⠀ however,⠀ the⠀ lycanthrope⠀ is⠀ not⠀ pleased.⠀ a⠀ little⠀ more⠀ ───⠀ the⠀ night⠀ is⠀ young⠀ ...⠀ yet,⠀ it's⠀ slipping⠀ past⠀ too⠀ quickly.⠀ a⠀ growl⠀ erupts⠀ from⠀ the⠀ beast's⠀ throat,⠀ scampering⠀ about⠀ to⠀ find⠀ a⠀ spot⠀ where⠀ she⠀ can⠀ rest.⠀ hunting⠀ for⠀ gnolls⠀ and⠀ goblins,⠀ to⠀ find⠀ warm⠀ flesh⠀ to⠀ sink⠀ her⠀ sharp⠀ canines⠀ into,⠀ had⠀ worn⠀ her⠀ out.⠀ she⠀ lays⠀ her⠀ head⠀ down,⠀ ears⠀ flattening. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀until⠀ she⠀ hears⠀ rustling⠀ nearby.⠀ in⠀ instinct,⠀ she⠀ gets⠀ up,⠀ taking⠀ on⠀ a⠀ defensive⠀ stance.⠀ she⠀ bares⠀ her⠀ teeth⠀ at⠀ the⠀ source⠀ of⠀ those⠀ noises,⠀ ready⠀ to⠀ pounce⠀ whenever.⠀ just⠀ who⠀ dares⠀ to⠀ stalk⠀ her⠀ at⠀ this⠀ ungodly⠀ hour .ᐣ
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀she⠀ howls,⠀ bellows⠀ at⠀ the⠀ impact.⠀ she⠀ snarls⠀ at⠀ the⠀ githyanki,⠀ attempting⠀ to⠀ shake⠀ her⠀ off.⠀ the⠀ beast⠀ shuffles⠀ back⠀ to⠀ her⠀ feet,⠀ standing⠀ on⠀ her⠀ hind⠀ legs⠀ to⠀ appear⠀ taller,⠀ bigger⠀ than⠀ the⠀ other.⠀ but⠀ there's⠀ just⠀ something⠀ awfully⠀ familiar⠀ about⠀ this⠀ creature⠀ ───⠀ that⠀ raven⠀ black⠀ fur,⠀ those⠀ jade⠀ green⠀ eyes,⠀ a⠀ scar⠀ across⠀ the⠀ snout.⠀ it⠀ reminds⠀ lae'zel⠀ of⠀ someone⠀ she⠀ knows⠀ all⠀ too⠀ well,⠀ someone⠀ who⠀ disappears⠀ at⠀ random⠀ nights⠀ when⠀ the⠀ moon⠀ is⠀ full⠀ and⠀ shining⠀ so⠀ brightly.⠀ someone⠀ whose⠀ name⠀ is⠀ shadowheart. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀she⠀ circles⠀ the⠀ humanoid,⠀ snapping⠀ her⠀ sharp⠀ teeth⠀ as⠀ if⠀ to⠀ bite,⠀ to⠀ threaten.⠀ much⠀ like⠀ a⠀ predator⠀ surrounding⠀ its⠀ prey.⠀ but⠀ for⠀ some⠀ reason,⠀ despite⠀ the⠀ hostility⠀ this⠀ beast⠀ is⠀ showing,⠀ she⠀ makes⠀ no⠀ motion⠀ to⠀ pounce⠀ on⠀ lae'zel⠀ and⠀ maul⠀ her⠀right⠀ there⠀ and⠀ then.⠀ instead,⠀ she⠀ simply⠀ moves⠀ around,⠀ eyeing⠀ the⠀ other⠀ intently. ⠀⠀⠀┉┉┉┉┉⠀ ⠀ID.⠀ @githwarriors
## @acolyte ! the soldier had woke up at her usual time , long before dusk . the paysage was prone to bitter melancholy of being torn from her kin , having her beliefs shaken up and most of all , having to constantly ready her sword for any of her travel partners should turn into mind flayers . as she walked to her regular training spot , her hand flew to the hilt of her sword , sensing an unknown but familiar presence . her eyes raked the dirt marks on the ground , indicating a large animalistic paws traces . with no further thoughts needed , the warrior hissed before springing on the creature , weapon right above the crane of its head . “ how come such abomination made its way here . anywho , get ready to meet my blade . ”
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀╱╱⠀ ⠀OH⠀ MY⠀ GOD⠀ IT'S⠀ LAE'ZEL⠀ OF⠀ CRÈCHE⠀ K'LIIR⠀ ...
/ don’t say that :( , i literally just put the same fx on the pictures and called it a day -
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