
Does anyone want to know ALL the secrets to gravity falls?


-of the books.
          	  And lastly the star with an eye in the center is Gideon, because it is the symbol on his tent and on his cape.
          	  VWDQ LV QRW ZKDW KH VHHPV: This is the code that is in the same frame, just on the side. This is a very special code. When you code it using 'Three letters back', you get...
          	  'STAN IS NOT WHAT HE SEEMS'


          	  "Most people would say the whisper says, 'im still here.'
          	  However, this is not the important part. The important part is when you listen to it backwards.
          	  It says, 'Three letters back.' This code can also be called the 'Caesarian' code. At the end of every episode in the credits, the video is just to distract you.
          	  It is this code up until episode 7...
          	  ... at which the code is... 'MR. CAESARIAN WILL BE OUT NEXT WEEK. MR. ATBASH WILL SUBSTITUTE.' The caesarian code is the 'Three letters back' code. The atbash code means switch a with z and b with y. Starting episode 7, the whisper backwards then says, 'switch a with z.'
          	  And lastly...
          	  So the triangle/pyramid thing in the center of the circle... that's illuminate. It's found in various places in gravity falls...
          	  Now focus on the symbols that surround the illuminati.
          	  The pine tree is Dipper because his last name is pines and it is the symbol on his hat.
          	  The claw-looking symbol is Grunkle Stan, since it is the symbol on his fez.
          	  The bag of ice is Wendy since she is 'cool' and is in every scene that has ice in it.
          	  The question mark is soos, because he has the symbol on his shirt. It could also have something to do with the Mystery Shack.
          	  The sunglasses could be Sheriff Blubs or Determined, since they both wear glasses.
          	  The cross-out heart could be Robbie, because it is the symbol on his sweatshirt.
          	  The shooting star is Mabel, because it is the symbol on her sweater. It is also because shooting stars represent optimism, something the mable demonstrates very well.
          	  A lot of people would say that the llama is mable because it is one of the things on her sweater. But we don't think it is. When Larry King said that llamas are natures greatest warrior, it made us think... it's the greatest warrior in Gravity Falls manly dan?
          	  The hand with six fingers is the author of the books that gideon and dipper have, since it's what's on the cover.


Hey, what research or notes did you use for writing your mpreg?


@Akise_Aru1 Ahh okay thank you


@ClimbingIvy22 OOF, at that time I was very inexperienced and.. well, cringe.. so I didn't necessarily use any writing materials and just... went with whatever and every time I look at my past works I shutter because I don't write like that anymore lol.


I really love ur book no rest for the wicked will u be updating it because it is such a good idea 


@nyaanyaakitty218  please continue No Rest For the Wicked! What is your new account?


Yes please it had a really good concept and I wanted to really read it. Thank you so much 


Does anyone want to know ALL the secrets to gravity falls?


-of the books.
            And lastly the star with an eye in the center is Gideon, because it is the symbol on his tent and on his cape.
            VWDQ LV QRW ZKDW KH VHHPV: This is the code that is in the same frame, just on the side. This is a very special code. When you code it using 'Three letters back', you get...


            "Most people would say the whisper says, 'im still here.'
            However, this is not the important part. The important part is when you listen to it backwards.
            It says, 'Three letters back.' This code can also be called the 'Caesarian' code. At the end of every episode in the credits, the video is just to distract you.
            It is this code up until episode 7...
            ... at which the code is... 'MR. CAESARIAN WILL BE OUT NEXT WEEK. MR. ATBASH WILL SUBSTITUTE.' The caesarian code is the 'Three letters back' code. The atbash code means switch a with z and b with y. Starting episode 7, the whisper backwards then says, 'switch a with z.'
            And lastly...
            So the triangle/pyramid thing in the center of the circle... that's illuminate. It's found in various places in gravity falls...
            Now focus on the symbols that surround the illuminati.
            The pine tree is Dipper because his last name is pines and it is the symbol on his hat.
            The claw-looking symbol is Grunkle Stan, since it is the symbol on his fez.
            The bag of ice is Wendy since she is 'cool' and is in every scene that has ice in it.
            The question mark is soos, because he has the symbol on his shirt. It could also have something to do with the Mystery Shack.
            The sunglasses could be Sheriff Blubs or Determined, since they both wear glasses.
            The cross-out heart could be Robbie, because it is the symbol on his sweatshirt.
            The shooting star is Mabel, because it is the symbol on her sweater. It is also because shooting stars represent optimism, something the mable demonstrates very well.
            A lot of people would say that the llama is mable because it is one of the things on her sweater. But we don't think it is. When Larry King said that llamas are natures greatest warrior, it made us think... it's the greatest warrior in Gravity Falls manly dan?
            The hand with six fingers is the author of the books that gideon and dipper have, since it's what's on the cover.


Thanks for the vote


Thx for the vote and adding my story to ur YAOI reading list! It means so much to me thank chu!


@PinkBossMusic your welcome! (^-^)


Hi! I'm sorry I'm late. I just wanted to say thank you for adding my story to your reading lists. My watt pad account hasn't been sending me notifications, so I just looked and saw you did. I just wanted to say thank you. I really appreciate  it!


híiiii :33333 


@killer465 I think I miss up I said is do you want to pm ( private message) 


Thank you guys for all of your support on my books!! Peace out and stay glamorous all my beautiful people!!


@Naomidot np, I always follow the people that want to follow me


@glamorous56 thank you for following me


um gee I'm shy to ask this but my older sis deleted all my Kaname x Zero yaoi pics and I was wondering if u could help me out by emailing me some really really good ones if not I understand. but if so my email is if you have a Facebook it's Bertha Cotto and if you have a kik it's kurumi619(to search)