
;; taking a break from this account bc im low on muse but pls don't let this die yikes


【 ;@gleamingson 】
          . .  && who are you — ?


【 ;@gleamingson  】
            because i’d like to know whether you are a threat to my kingdom or not .  does that help ?  now , will you tell me your name  ?  or shall i force it out of you—


@arthuriianlegend ; why exactly does it matter to you , hm ?


【 ;@gleamingson  】
            sassy , aren’t you ?  but drop it , tell me who you are —


so . . . what are you ? a king ? 


            yeah , vegetables . I didn't eat many of those - 
            * he completely avoided the others reason for his height , liking his own better * 
            can I all you tree then ? all hail the ol' king tree ! doesn't that sound nice ?  


@-prblm- ;  genetics . * he stated simply,  rolling his eyes in annoyance before making his way down the corridor . it wasn't an exit - but an entire ball he'd painted with different scenes before he's turned so cold and dark * 


this message may be offensive
            ;; holy shit xD 
            that's a seven inch difference - holy fuck . 
            * he shook his head , sighing as he was merely a whopping five foot , seven inches *
            im guessing you ate a lot of veggies ? or steroids - but I'll go with veggies . anyways - onwards ! 
            * the male pointed towards a random hall that looked like it led toward the outside . but , this place wasn't familiar to him so he could care less about where they went * 