hate when ppl in the yj fandom say ‘pick your favorite cannibal and sit down’..why am I not allowed to acknowledge that they’re bad ppl without yall chewing my head off for it, that’s like..the point of what they did in the wilderness? I’m personally not fond of characters who think it’s okay to torture a man with one leg sorry—

@restlesswaters EXACTLY since when are we not allowed to just..not like characters anymore—

@glennlusional SPEAK ON IT the fandom lack nuance so bad. like yes, i’m aware that they’re all bad people, HOWEVER I am entitled to not like any character whatsoever if that’s my choice. they’re fictional it is not that serious.

like I fear that if you think ‘omg just enjoy the crazy evil women!’ you’ve missed the point and complexity of the idea of the Yellowjackets having to turn to cannibalism and horrible things to survive.