
hate when ppl in the yj fandom say ‘pick your favorite cannibal and sit down’..why am I not allowed to acknowledge that they’re bad ppl without yall chewing my head off for it, that’s like..the point of what they did in the wilderness? I’m personally not fond of characters who think it’s okay to torture a man with one leg sorry— 


@restlesswaters EXACTLY since when are we not allowed to just..not like characters anymore—


@glennlusional SPEAK ON IT
          	  the fandom lack nuance so bad. like yes, i’m aware that they’re all bad people, HOWEVER I am entitled to not like any character whatsoever if that’s my choice. they’re fictional it is not that serious. 


like I fear that if you think ‘omg just enjoy the crazy evil women!’ you’ve missed the point and complexity of the idea of the Yellowjackets having to turn to cannibalism and horrible things to survive.


hate when ppl in the yj fandom say ‘pick your favorite cannibal and sit down’..why am I not allowed to acknowledge that they’re bad ppl without yall chewing my head off for it, that’s like..the point of what they did in the wilderness? I’m personally not fond of characters who think it’s okay to torture a man with one leg sorry— 


@restlesswaters EXACTLY since when are we not allowed to just..not like characters anymore—


@glennlusional SPEAK ON IT
            the fandom lack nuance so bad. like yes, i’m aware that they’re all bad people, HOWEVER I am entitled to not like any character whatsoever if that’s my choice. they’re fictional it is not that serious. 


like I fear that if you think ‘omg just enjoy the crazy evil women!’ you’ve missed the point and complexity of the idea of the Yellowjackets having to turn to cannibalism and horrible things to survive.


without me committing to anything, would anyone be interested if I wrote another Yellowjackets fic? I’m having ideas & thinking it’ll stave my impatience with writing doomsday in the new season but also worried that no one will care or that I’ll end up getting too overwhelmed
          minor ideas so far is that there are 2 love interests for nat, basically the devil and angel on her shoulders, and the third is a meek character that looks up to Jackie so much it might be problematic. this would only be the wilderness timeline/they’d all die at some point bc I can’t be bothered to do the adult timeline twice. 


@glennlusional oh my god i’m actually obsessed!! NEED THIS LIKE I NEED AIR


@glennlusional yessss! if you need any help with face claims or things like that, i'd be happy to!


yj spoilers
          it’s a crazy world when the only reason the girls would keep their coach alive is to get them rescued. and cut this man’s Achilles tendon as if he isn’t already missing a goddamn leg. 


I feel like Shauna is manipulating Melissa. She didn't want to cut Coach Scott, but she did it to get her approval. And also, wdym you are holding hands and super happy after you did that to your coach, and how are you making out when you have a knife to your throat.
            i like shaunahat but like it's crazy how what happend in the last episode is a romantic scene


it's crazy how the dgaf about coach scott HE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WORNG AND THEY WERE READY TO KILL HIM


@ glennlusional if they were alive they would've never let them do a lot of things


double update for doomsday <3 everytime I upload two at once I feel like ppl don’t see the first chapter so make sure you see 68 before 69


@-thatcherism ahh thank you sm you’re embarking on a journey for sure—


i’m about to grind and read hella chapters i love it so far 