
Hey, i have a question. When you read Down But Not Dead, does my Username pop up as GlitchyParker or Kylee1104? Because for me it shows Kylee1104.


@GlitchyParker For me it shows GlitchyParker


Hello! I have returned from the dead! I am sorry I left for so long, a lot has been going on in my life, and I honestly just needed some time. But now I'm back! I will try to update everything within the next week or two, so be prepared!


So todays my birthday party, yet I dont even want to go. I have to share it with my five year old cousin, only one of my friends are coming, and my sister is bringing a lot of her friends, so now she has more people there (who I dont even know) than I do. This is the first time I've gotten to invite more than just one or two people, and only one person is coming. Sorry for the rant, but I just needed to get my feelings out.