The next teacher critically claims me as a satanist is going to be kicked in the side of the head
@glitchyredjr Damn....I know the feeling, Say I used to wear all black and people always say "begone demon!" or "Get some Jesus" ffs just because your religion or fashion sense is different doesn't mean your technically tagged under "satanist" I think people are just ready to be gutted by yours truly :/
@shadethewolf06 the students are spraying with holy water and drawing up side down crossed on my desk an doing the cross
@shadethewolf06 my religion is paganism and on the 31st of October its samhain which is like the opening of the new year when the portals of the sprit world closes and spirits can come into the living world and its not very well know religion and the are saying thats when i used the "dark arts" to worship the "devil"