
Came back after a couple months to a sudden influx of followers. Many, many thanks to each and every one of you <3 
          	I'd like to apologize to those that haven't received their requested critiques (there are too many to message individually, but trust me--I'm getting to all of them as soon as I'm able!). Medical and family issues have set me back quite a bit, but I'd like to keep my word.
          	Thank you very, very much for your patience and understanding! <3


Came back after a couple months to a sudden influx of followers. Many, many thanks to each and every one of you <3 
          I'd like to apologize to those that haven't received their requested critiques (there are too many to message individually, but trust me--I'm getting to all of them as soon as I'm able!). Medical and family issues have set me back quite a bit, but I'd like to keep my word.
          Thank you very, very much for your patience and understanding! <3


tagged by Julia (@Angel_Dancer)
          1- Nickname: here? gloomy. otherwise, it's V (a single letter because i'm a pretentious mofo)
          2- Eye color: dark brown, almost black. usually reflecting wrath and fire and all sorts of fun stuff.
          3-Hair Color: black/reddish-blonde. the dye faded a while ago :p
          4-One Fact About Me: i'm not actually a skeleton. don't worry, guys.
          5-Favorite Color: blue. any and all shades imaginable.
          6-Favorite Place: bookstores, the beach at night, on the roof.
          7-Favorite Celebrity: does Amy Lee count as a celebrity? if not, probably Leo DiCaprio. classy.
          8-Favorite Animal: narwhals. for sure. unicorn of the sea, anyone?
          9-Favorite Song: the end - mayday parade
          10-Favorite Book: winter's end - jean-claude mourlevat
          i tag thee:
          sweet nightmares, my friends xx


@glooms can i just respond here? lol.
            tagged by @glooms
            1-Nickname: Talia
            2-Eye color: brown, typical Asian
            3-Hair color: black/dark brown
            4-One fact about me: Lightweight obsessed with peanut butter
            5-Favorite color: gray
            6-Favorite place: winter nights in bed
            7-Favorite celebrity: Ki Hong Lee?
            8-Favorite animal: Hedgehog? Whale? Elephant? I dunno.
            9-"Wait For It" Hamilton OBC
            10-Favorite book: Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver? Till We Have Faces by CS Lewis?
            I tag the invisible unicorns behind me. You know. there are a couple.


*all too well by taylor swift plays silently in the background as i cry over my life*
          thank you for your concern and encouragement and sincerity. i really appreciate it! i guess i just have to learn to time manage and prioritise stuff better because i have more and more commitments now.... what did i sign up for  D:::
          hmm... new reads... well there are a few short stories i've read that are quite nice ((including yours heheh)). top of the list is hands down RHAPSODY by @voyageur. and i think BOY by @furtive is really really cute too! TEN REASONS NOT TO DIE by @RiceLover hits me right in the feels ;_; i usually go for short stories on wattpad! don't have other reads for longer stories though.... and as you probably know i've been reading loads and loads of fanfiction haha but i shall spare you the torture and not talk about them AHAHAH
          do you watch the movie Epic? there's this fanfic on that i think it's quite nice! a little emotional ahaha
          how about you? any good reads, interesting encounters? (haha throwing your words back at you XD)


@voyageur but you're really good!!! and omg i didn't think you'd see this T>T i really really love rhapsody!!!! :")


@chocolate-clifford oh my lord, you make me blush :P