bueno dije q iba a subir mi fanfic a principios d diciembre, mediados a mas tardar pero se me juntaron muchas tareas d ingles particular y los finales q tengo q preparar son un kilombo y recien tengo escritos 3 capitulos y m gustaria llegar a los 10 caps escritos antes de publicarlo,,,, cuestion, todavia no lo voy a subir capaz para fines d diciembre pero no prometo nada
well so i said i was gonna post my fanfic on december’s begging, mids at the latest but i have now tons of english homework to catch up with and my final exams are a mess AND i just only wrote 3 chapters but i was looking forward having at least 10 chapters written before starting to upload this book,,,,so,,,, im still not going to post anything, maybe at the end of december but i do not promise anything