
Hey there! I'm coming completely out of the blue with a long awaited update to RTLY! I hope you all enjoy :-)


this message may be offensive
@glowworm888 I got a fucking heart attack reading that notification.


Hey there! I'm coming completely out of the blue with a long awaited update to RTLY! I hope you all enjoy :-)


this message may be offensive
@glowworm888 I got a fucking heart attack reading that notification.


I hope y'all know how EMBARRASSED I am of the total drama texts stories, I give myself an aneurysm everytime I reread that crap I wrote when I was 15 smh. Honestly if it wasn't so popular I'd delete it from the face of the Earth


Hey everybody, Gabbi here! Just wanted to send an update to my followers. 
          Returning To Loving You is NOT cancelled. I do plan on continuing this, and the next chapter is in the works. I'm so glad so many people enjoy this story! Unfortunately, it's just not my priority right now as I'm struggling with it. But it's worth mentioning, that the story is almost complete. I only have a few more chapters planned for it.
          A side note, you can find me on Archive of Our Own, under the username glowworm888. I have my LTLY series posted there, as well as some stories from other fandoms, in case anyone is interested in reading my non-TD works. 
          Thank you so much for all the love on my stories! Trust me, I read every comment and message, and they always make my day! 
          See you soon
          ~ Gabbi


@glowworm888  I'm sad. But it cannot be helped. I wish one day, you will return to love and write this book once again. 
            If you haven't noticed, I included a pun there. 