
\     Wifi   ain't   coming   back   for   awhile   Because 
          	        of  a  huge   hurricane    so   Yeah    I    am   not  
          	  coming   back   any   time  sooner  .  In   the   mean  
          	   time  ,  please    cb   &  specify   until   i  get   back   .


killing  me  won't  solve  anything  &  back up  it's  already  on  it's  way   so  you  have  no  where  to  r-run!     (    he coughed out his words a bit as he felt the males hand squeezing against his neck making it hard for him to breath properly & struggle with speaking .    )


     Hahaha   !!   I'd    like   to   see   you   try 
                   to   restrain   me   fellow   officer    !!   
                    I   thought   you   would   be   smarter   ,
                  But   it   seems  i   thought  of  it   wrong   .
                Oh   well   i   guess   i'll   have   a   little   bit 
                  Of   fun    playing   with    you    .


oh  please   ,   you're  not  the  strongest  man  i've  fought with         (      he grabbed handcuffs out from his back pocket while being cautious of the mans movements while moving off the wall a bit so he can have space to move more in the tight alleyway  .  )         if  you dare  try  laying  another  hand  on  me  again   ,   you'll  have  handcuffs  before  you  even  no  it  .


   Tch-  .  .  .   Haha  !   How   Fascinating   !
                  Up   for   a   challenge   i   see   .   i   quite 
                    like    it      and    i   think   i   need   to   do
                    more  work   to   keep   you  still    .


“ I’ve encountered many ghosts but you … you seem to be no ghost … what , no ,  
          / Who / are you .. ? “ 


-   ͙۪۪̥˚┊❛ @gluttonysm ! ❜┊˚ ͙۪۪̥◌
            / ,, phew ! :,) 
            [ . * The blue haired male gave a suspicious , yet curious , look up and down . It was clear that he didn’t believe the other , but it was also clear that the teen was definitely intrigued. . * ]    I’m sorry to say  … but I don’t really trust your words , no offense .. 


       Must    mistaken   me   for    one    then  .
               No  need   to   fret   ,    i   mean   no   harm  
                     at   all
            \    no  it's  alright  .  don't  worry  :)


/ ,, I can re-write this if you ever need me to … :,) 


 Oh   do   not   mourn  over  such  a   bastard
               like   him    ,   you    are   way  more  better 
                  off   without   him     
             He   doesn't   know   you're   worth  and   he
                 doesn't   know   how   much   of  a   grave
               mistake   he   has    committed    .   
            Sulking    in    through   you're   tears    and
                 stuffing   ice  cream   will   might    not  
            help   you  in   this   state    but   having   
                  some   company   will   might   ,
               So   why   don't   we   take   a   stroll  