
Over here it's Wednesday (early hours of Wednesday) so another chapter of Jekyll & Hyde has been published. 
          	Please read/comment.
          	Thank you in advance, I look forward to reading your comments.
          	Happy Biting! 


Over here it's Wednesday (early hours of Wednesday) so another chapter of Jekyll & Hyde has been published. 
          Please read/comment.
          Thank you in advance, I look forward to reading your comments.
          Happy Biting! 


Finally published the first chapter of my own Jekyll & Hyde.
          It has been done on my joint account Fanggirlscreations however I felt it wasn't as good as it could've been and the co-owner disagreed so we compromised and this is the compromise.
          New chapter every week, probably every Wednesday but if for whatever reason, it isn't published, I'll let you know.
          Thank you.


I have begun working on a new book, as soon as I have roughly four chapters drafted, I'll release the first chapter.
          From then on, I'll probably release one every week until I'm done. 
          Thank you for your patience and for following me.


Hello lovelies. 
          I've not updated recently because I'm working on some new content that I'm not sure fits (still good to ask a friend or two for advice!) 
          We (Broken_Hearted18 and I) are still working on some new content on Fanggirlscreations. 
          If you don't follow us there, feel free to and if you follow neither myself or Halima's personal Wattpad accounts too then thank you very much.
          Either way, thank you for the support and I hope I continue to deliver some good books. 
          Please feel free to leave some feedback, we like hearing from you.


Hi lovelies, thank you for sticking with me. 
          I have uploaded some new content, still working on it as we speak.
          I am also working on a new mermaid book so fingers crossed it goes well... 
          Which for me usually means fifty+ cups of coffee, brain storming and panicking about writers block... just kidding.


It's that time again... I can't sleep but I want to sleep and my brain both wants to sleep and can't sleep.
          I spent literally five minutes trying to find my web history after clicking 'History'... 
          Oh dear.