
people who have been taken


mady just please let me move on. I cant deal with this currently and i am trying to have better mental health i understand your emotions but you cant just come here and spread half bullshitted lies about me.


i know 
            - jordan


@jorlynn1211 I- you guys need a therapist ;-;


mesaj potențial jignitor
first of all. I didnt cheat on mady that was an accusation of them that i dont know where they got from. I accepted that they moved on they are trying to fight me. And i your seeing this your acting like a child. Im not gonna fight you i accepted you moved on and i did too. YOU were the one who chose to contact me. The only reason they believe i “cheated” is because they believed my shitty ex girlfriend. who had absolutely no proof of it and i literally did. And i didnt just move on from you after that i missed you so fucking much. YOU told me about a few hours later you liked someone else and your saying i moved on fast. You guys can believe them with absolutely no proof but i was left with tears and you moved on in a few hours.  I didnt do any of the shit you said and you have no proof of it. I let you move on. Now let me. 


Oh and i forgot to add this on the big post but he cheated on his ex boyfriend and probably more people. how nice of him : D
          -Mads She/They


this message may be offensive
ive never cheated on anyone. You are getting all this shit from what one person said. Thats really embarrising the fact that the person who said that cheated on ME 


mesaj potențial jignitor
Im gonna quit most likely, i haven’t said anything about Jordan but i have something’s i would like to say. Im quiting wattpad because of you Jordan. i can’t deal with you anymore and it’s like the same thing repeating over and over. We talk and then i have to stop talking im done with it. And why the fuck do you have so many exs? oh i know why… because you are selfish. I can’t deal with keeping my mouth shut for you. I don’t fucking like you and the second i break up with you you get ANOTHER boyfriend or girlfriend. You are obviously not mentally stable enough for any kind of relationship. AND i have more  You act fucking fake depressed just for attention. Even though you know DAMN WELL you are just trying to get the attention from people. Your always like “I jUsT fInIsHed cRyiNg” Nobody needs to fucking know that?! keep it to yourself. I’ve fucking kept every single depressing thing that i had in my life kept to myself but you on the other hand No you just throw it out there like it’s notting to be concerned about. You fucking overdosed Jordan just because i left you and i said nicely i think we need to see other people. I’ve been tbh happier without you, you always started drama and i had to end it. And then you made me fucking feel bad and start crying because you overdosed. Im done with keeping my mouth shut and i’m glad i exposed you : ) cause you made my life a living hell and you made me fucking depressed and have more anxiety. Bye.
          -Mads She/They


@L00K0UT_Furryish3r3 thank you. also i dont think mady should be sharing that i overdosed because that is not their info to share. i let them move on i think they should let me. And i am in no way calling mady a bad person because they arent. I dont tell people im crying because i want attention i tell them because i want to get out my emotions because it helps.


Hi everyone. So me and Jordan have been having mental health problems right now which it is really upsetting and hurts a lot. I am very numb but act happy. I'm very good at hiding my emotions because a lot of things have happened in my life. It is a very long list of things that I probably will not say in this comment. I Probably will make a vent book, so I'm telling this to Jordan because I don't want to risk anything at all, some people have VERY bad mental illnesses to the point if any one talks about it they might freak out or stuff like that so I would prefer if you would not say anything mental illness wise on the conversations. I will be making a vent book so I can warn people if they have anything like that to not read it. Sorry if this comment wasn't very good written but I'm just saying something quick 
          All sad or mental illness sh*t will be deleted.


@jorlynn1211 I get it *pat pat* We all have weak immune systems from time to time and it sucks but I am pretty sure yelling and cursing about it won't help AT ALL, so I recommend staying healthy and taking care of yourself first.
            I mean- I myself have a very weak immune systems so I go easy, so do you 2. Take care and get some rest, things will take a turn on the best eventually.


-Mads She/They