The police killing black women, men, & children is not a foreign subject in my community. My skin is viewed as a weapon to those who are meant to protest and serve. “Justice for ____” is a sentence, a curse, I’ve known since I was fourteen years old. Enough is enough.
Black lives matter.
Black women matter.
Black men matter.
Black children matter.
The thousands of black individuals murdered by police matter.
A reminder: being pro-black & supporting Black Lives Matter does not mean you are “anti” of anything else.
If you are protesting in your state: wear masks (to protect yourself from COVID and to protect your identity), do not wear loose clothing/jewelry/hair ties, do not go alone, & have an exit plan.
I will link donation spots & bail funds below. Be safe, be vigilant, and to my black people — please take a breath. We’re okay, you’re okay. Please DM if you know of another organization that I can link below. Please DM me if you know of any other organization I can link below. Please DM if you are overwhelmed. Please DM me if you can’t sleep at night.
Black lives will forever matter.