          This book is about three brother with a very crazy past falling in love with the same girl. 
          The twist is, one of the brother is engaged to her and keeps her hidden from his insane and obsessive brothers. 
          Find out what happens when our heroine finds about the darkness behind her fiance and gets stuck between three Astor brothers.
          They will do anything to keep her to themselves and by that I mean ANYTHING..... 


Hii! Here are some Reverse Harem books which aren't in your list of reccomendations, I haven't read most of these books though.
          The Velvet Room (DevilishWritings)
          If You Were Ours (MelyssaWhyte)
          Them (graveyardinmyheartt)
          Everlasting Bonds (CJ_Redding)
          My Twin Masters (prvncessrose)
          Come Into the Water (emptycalories)
          Kingdom of Stone (Dreamy627)
          The Demonic Triplets (Dreamy627)
          Ours (DaddysFavouriteWine)
          Elites (midnight_thoughts66)
          Their Doll (lovelistthea)
          Saturn (gibaby111)
          The Devils Call Me Darling (max_writing_)
          Lilliana (girlyyhii)
          Our Girl (jj31030)
          Love Roulette (goldmelanin17)
          Stolen (graveyardinmyheart)
          My Bosses (albm004)
          Light Gathers Darkness (xx-WillowDane-xx)
          The Duo's Third (Dreamy627)
          Intoxicating Addiction (-st4rvxi-)
          I'm Yours, Sirs (v0iddzz)


@fernreadsx Thank you so much, I will definitely get to reading them


Thank you for all of the recommendations. Reverse harem is one of my favorite genres as well. The thing I love about your recommendations is that almost every single one of them is more than 20 chapters long! It is hard to find good reverse harem books especially when I am not looking for fan fic reverse harem.


@Luv2read91 Thank you so much♥️