
damn bitch, u live like this ??  


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hi, so, 
          the balcony scene, i think i’m going to post some closure chapters- like two or three maybe...just explaining the plot. i’ve written some important scenes out so you’ll all get to read those. 
          i just didn’t want to leave it where it’s at bc that book means the world to me. and i know i hated when authors did that, when they just ditched a book. which is why i wanna do this. 
          so yeah, i might do the same with skates and dear mr. marriott. but i don’t really know yet bc honestly i have the URGE to continue dear mr. marriott. 
          i also was thinking about writing the final part of the prom au for tongue tied, kinda to tie the book together n give it a good ending.
          i don’t know if i’m keeping the balcony scene up or if i’m unpublishing it. i haven’t really decided but i definitely want to give you all closure lol. you all deserve it for being so fucking supportive. 


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@godhateseverything I cried my eyes out at the balcony scene it was fucking beautiful im inlove with that book I swear


THANK U!!! its sad that ur books r coming to an end, especially since they were so amazing, but it means a lot to have closure 


y’all better stop, you guys are making me wanna upload!new chapters 


dare you


me watching all the new cc stans get attached to the balcony scene and dear mr. marriott knowing i’ll never upload another chapter :( 


my heart,,, is broken 


: (((( dear Mr. Marriott hit different 