
•| "I like it only when Loki is straight."
          	He isnt straight, like at all??? |•


          	  •| He's genderfluid, not non-binary as he uses male and female pronouns depending on his present form but can change into animals |•


          	  •| he is, thats the thing. |• 


@godof-mischief he likes BOTH GENDERS 


•| "I like it only when Loki is straight."
          He isnt straight, like at all??? |•


            •| He's genderfluid, not non-binary as he uses male and female pronouns depending on his present form but can change into animals |•


            •| he is, thats the thing. |• 


@godof-mischief he likes BOTH GENDERS 


" maybe you aren't so bad afterall . "


            Loki blinked for a few seconds, processing what Steve just said before a frown tugged at his lips. "What game are you playing Rogers?" He asked, suspicion evident in his tone.


@godof-mischief ;
            " uhm ,, " he thought for a moment . " nothing . i was just telling you that i could be your friend . "
            // it's all good.. school is always do busy haha 


            •| sorry for such a late reply ^^ |•
            That left Loki baffled for a moment, his brows furrowing causing a crease to form on his forehead. "What do you mean by that?" He inquired.


•| also dont mind me being obsessed with Good Omens and my baby Crowley who I love to watch suffer-|•


            •| it is, I love the nature of the plot |•


@godof-mischief // such a good show finished it in two days 


•| I have tonsillitis and my medication is probably going to make me all crappy so if I stop replying, its because of that |•


            •| I'll try ^^ |•


            (Feel better soon bby!)


Steve slowly entered the library, peeking through the stacks. It had been a while since he’d seen Loki (again) and he honestly wouldn’t blame the god if he ended up moving on, considering Steve was gone far too often for either of their likings. He wanted to try and rekindle whatever flame might still be remaining and try his hardest to become a much better lover for him — if that was something the frost giant was willing to try. 
          He placed his hands in front of him and locked them together, taking a few steps closer. “Hey,” he said in a soft tone, his deep blue eyes locked onto the man who was reading a book. “I think we need to have a talk — for obvious reasons...”


            •| bleh, your replies are full of a lot of detail bby |•
            It took Loki a few moments before he followed Steve, quickly making his way up to beside Steve as they walked. He missed this, just being able to enjoy time with the other due to their busy lives but for now he'd bask in the attention even if it was likely temporary. "Oh, well I'd be happy to go anywhere with you." He responded honestly, simply wanting to just have Steve with him no matter where they went. Though he came from such a fanatic society, he wasnt all too picky about food, unless it was liquorice which he couldn't eat without getting gravely ill so he wasnt sure what to say in response to the food orientated question. "Anything is fine really." Loki informed Steve before making his way over to the couch, tugging Steve down with him so they could sit.


            (I’m trying to word everything to fit as much detail as possible in but I’m struggling tonight ;-; big sad. But your replies are lovely, shh bby <3)
            “Mhm,” he said with a small nod as he began to walk out of the library, not once letting go of his hand. After a moment of silence while he thought, the silence was soon broken with a small shrug while he spoke, “I’m not entirely sure yet. Wherever you want to go tonight, I’ll take you there. Just give me a location.” Steve pressed a quick kiss to Loki’s pale cheek with a soft smile, walking from the library with the man still at his side. He began to move down the corridors to find his way to the living area, deciding it would be more comfortable to sit on a couch with the man. “Or give me a type of food for a suggestion and I can think up a place.”


            "A date?" Loki inquired, tilting his head to the side in question. He knew what a date was since Steve used to take him on a few but he was more so shocked that Steve was offering to take him on one later. "Where would we go?" He asked, getting up so he was standing in front of Steve. He didnt even need to confirm that going someone more comfortable than the library as he was always happy to.
            •| same, I'm struggling to word things correctly- |•


•| I've gotten to the point where I'm having weekly breakdowns ever Friday night. I'm exhausted mentally and feel like my friends are drifting away, plus its almost the end of the school year for me so I'm stressed beyond belief. |•


            || Just stumbled upon your account and it is amazing. If you need to vent or even rp, my pms are open :)


            •| aww thank you. Honestly, thank you for caring |•


            •| either please-|•