
*     cb!  pls  give  this  sad,  chaotic  man  some  love.  i  want  to  build  his  relationship  with  the  other  heavenly  officials  &  cultivation  sects


...?     the  current  rain  master,    ive  heard  stories.   (..)    to  my  knowledge,    its  scarce  to  see  you  in  the  heavenly  capital.   


@yangtous     i  grace  the  capital  with  my  attendance  to  reaffirm  the  emperor  and  anyone  else  who  cares  that  i’m  still  alive,  that  is  whenever  i  remember.  ..  what  stories  have  been  circulating  about  me? 


the  first  time  he  meets  the  rain  master,    it's  a  couple  months  after  being  taken  in.   he  followed  xie  lian  to  yushi  village,   taking  in  the  sights.    eventually,    the  boy  wanders  from  the  daoists  side,   and  ends  up  lost.    only  for  a  moment  though,   because  the  boy  runs  away  from  some  dogs  he  encounters.    wei  ying  runs,   taking  shelter  behind  a  man's  leg.   which,  again,   probably  isn't  the  smartest.   
          *    ok  their  first  meet  u  requested  ..   wwx  is  about  12  ~   12½  here


@laoqings     a  brief  smile  played  on  his  lips.   “  only  sugar  and  women  dolled-up  for  a  special  occasion.  the  rain  would  melt  their  sweetness  away. ”   upon  hearing  the  confession,  the  smile  faded  into  gentle  understanding.  he  fully  turned  his  body  towards  the  boy,  facing  him  now.   “ let  the  rain  wash  away  the  fear.  the  dogs  will  fade  like  shadows  when  the  rain  comes. ”


"   wh-   no!   who  would  be  afraid  of  the  rain?  "      that  was  ridiculous..   why  would  anyone  be  afraid  of  the  rain?    though  he  realized  that  perhaps  he  /looked/  like he  was  scared  of  the  rain.   "  wei  ying  isn't  afraid  of  the  rain.   just..   there  were  dogs,   and  i  ran  away  from  them.   dogs  are  the  ones  that  are  scary,  "    he  spoke,   a  small  fist  bunching  up  the  elders  robes.    


@laoqings     soft  rain  fell  gently,  its  steady  patter  a  quiet  lullaby  that  softened  the  village.  the  fields,  lush  and  green,  drank  deeply.  it  lured  the  master  to  relax,  standing  with  his  umbrella  held  high,  the  lacquered  paper  material  rippled  delicately  with  the  breeze.  a  familiar  sensation  was  felt  lower  with  the  fabric  of  his  robe.  twisting  his  head,  he  spotted  the  boy  and  chuckled  softly.   “ are  you  afraid  of  the  rain,  little  one? ”


pei  qianyue.     a–die's  surname,    and  a-niang's  given  name  as  part  of  my  courtesy  name...    


@lordearths     “ certainly. ”   as  if  their  minds  were  linked,  he  too  thought  of  the  chain  of  devastating  consequences  following  wen  ruohan’s  declaration  of  complete  domination  over  the  other  cultivation  clans.   “ any  disruption  in  the  balance  attracts  chaos. ”   the  fabric  of  his  mint  white  robes  twirled  when  he  spun  back,  balancing  a  tray  of  the  kyusu  and  its  matching  cups,  wafting  the  aroma  to  follow.   “ but  it’s  not  always  bad.  that  is,  if  you  can  tame  it  for  good  and  burden  its  cost  on  your  own. ”


lord  earth  master,   he  had  perked  up  at  those  words.   a  title  he  didn't  think  he'd  ever  be  used  to  hearing.   "  mn.   all  kingdoms  rise  and  fall,    in  one  way  or  another.  "   he  spoke  quietly,   hands  folding  to  rest  in  his  lap.   his  brows  knit  together,    his  mind  going  back  to  the    qishan  wen  sect,   and  the  events  that  followed.    "   i  think..   you  could  say  the  same  for  other  things,   not  just  kingdoms.  "


@lordearths     the  former  prince  of  the  fallen  yushi  kingdom  gave  a  small  smile.   “  just  like  yushi.  it  was  probably  best  that  you  hadn’t.  in  the  end  all  of  the  kingdoms  have  fallen  from  the  desire  of  more  power. ”   he  stood  up  to  brew  the  awaiting  hot  water  with  tea.   “ that’s  why  you  should  be  mindful  of  the  power  you  hold  as  lord  earth  master. ”


*   i  rlly  need  to  ask  if  the  husband  he  lost  was  shi  wudu  squints   


*     @lordearths  and  the  saddest  part  would  be  that  after  he  dies,  yu  shi  found  out  that  he  was  carrying  his  child  and  soon  after  miscarries 


@lordearths   ykw  i  didn’t  even  realize  that.  you’re  a  genius!!  if  only  there  was  an  active  shi  wudu  acc  that  would  tolerate  this  man


*     ?!?!     just  noticed  the  shi  bit  as  his  surname  and  got  curious!!    


shi  ying  ⎯  courtesy  name:  yu  shi
          ascended  as  lord  rain  master,  in  charge  of  rain  &  agriculture.  traveling  between  villages  to  bless  with  rainfall  and  torment  with  heavy  storms


before  his  ascension,  he  was  the  last  crown  prince  of  the  fallen  yushi  kingdom.  he  is  also  known  as  one  of  the  four  famous  tales,  “ the  prince  who  slit  his  throat ” 


mischievous,  energetic,  &  intelligent  personality  that  conceals  the  pangs  of  grief  in  his  heart  from  the  heartbreaking  death  of  his  husband